glc1 wrote:Okay, I've tried Fireburner and WinISO and I've noticed that both shrink the file size dramatically when converting from bin to iso. What's being removed?
I often use WinISO v5.3 to convert BIN/CUE to ISO since ISO files are less-sized. Basically, nothing.
For many things, I use WinISO v5.3 and WinRAR v3.x. WinISO to create ISO files and WinRAR to "store" folders and files into one file (zero compression for maximum speed).
To split and re-join files, RZSplit2002 and WinRAR.
To load ISO and other CD image files, Daemon Tools v3.23.
To burn CD image files and other things on CD and HDD, Nero.
To (re-)encode audio and video files, Microsoft's own Windows Media Encoder 9 beta. (I don't "rip" CD and DVD that often.)
To play audio and video files, Microsoft's own Windows Media Player v6.4 for most things and South Korean-made Adrenaline/Swan's MP/Sasami2000/etc for special (and multi-lingual) subtitle features.