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DAO vs DAO/96

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DAO vs DAO/96

Postby TG on Thu Jan 01, 1970 5:33 am

Okay, I'm a little confused with the difference of these two.

I just upgraded from an Acer 4432a (4x4x32) to an Asus 4816a and a new option I have is DAO/96.

I've had a bit of a read and from what I gather, DAO/96 is "better". However, it doesn't always seem to work. I tried burning an SVCD the other day in DAO/96 and it isn't recognised in my DVD player. Also I can't read it via Windows Explorer (though Nero will pickup that it has been written to.

Could someone please explain to me what the difference is and what cases it is good for?

Many thanks,

I also have a number of other questions, but as they are different subjects, I'll post seperately .... :)
Buffer Underrun
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Postby cfitz on Thu Jan 01, 1970 5:33 am



( All from McFadden's FAQ - a good thing to read over for general education: http://www.cdrfaq.org )
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Postby TG on Thu Jan 01, 1970 5:34 am

Thanks for the links ... :)

I've had a read through and whilst I can understand some of it, the basics seem to elude me. In laymans terms why does DAO/96 seem to fail when I use it for this svcd

Is it better to simply use DAO for any "normal" cd burning.

Buffer Underrun
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Postby cfitz on Thu Jan 01, 1970 5:34 am

TG wrote:In laymans terms why does DAO/96 seem to fail when I use it for this svcd

Raw mode DAO/96 does not recalculate the error correcting codes that are a normal part of any CD-R, so it may be possible that uncorrectable errors were introduced when you burned your SVCD. This is just a guess, since I don't know all the details of what you did.

TG wrote:Is it better to simply use DAO for any "normal" cd burning.

Yes, when you don't need the extra capabilities (and potential complications) of DAO-96, it is probably better to just avoid it. (I think this is a corollary to the old "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" maxim.)

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