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New 40x12x48 CDrw drive will not burn faster than 12x

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New 40x12x48 CDrw drive will not burn faster than 12x

Postby spaceentity on Thu Jan 01, 1970 4:48 am

I changed out my old 12x8x42 CD-rw with this new 40x12x48 drive and it will not write faster than 12x.
I've uninstall Roxio 5.0 and tried to reinstall it, but it doesn't help.

I've tried to install Nero 5.5.82 that came with the drive and it still is limited to 12x burn rate (using Memorex 32x CD's).

I've uninstalled both and removed any mention to Adaptec and Nero from my registery, but still is limited to 12x

any suggestions?
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Postby Ian on Thu Jan 01, 1970 4:48 am

I suggest trying some other media.

What writer is the new one?
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Postby spaceentity on Thu Jan 01, 1970 4:48 am

It's a Liteon 40125s (40x12x48CD-RW) yes, have tried different media. Both Info-tool and CDspeed shows a limit of 12x.

What file controls the drive speed, something must still be hanging from with I had my older 12x drive.
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Postby Will Rickards WT on Thu Jan 01, 1970 4:48 am

remove the drive's IDE cable, boot into windows so the device is removed then shutdown. reattach the cable and boot into windows. Install latest version of nero
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Postby eliminator on Thu Jan 01, 1970 4:48 am

Roxio suckz big time, specially when gtting rid of it. You need to do a complete (yes, including all Registry keys too !) cleanup, and reinstall Nero.
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Postby jr_G-man on Thu Jan 01, 1970 5:40 am

amazing how everybody's reply is something like 'try a different type media' or 'reinstall your software'. that's a sure sign that they have no idea.

you should probably look into your dma settings for that ide channel and/or the drive in question. i've heard that if windows xp detects too many errors, it lowers the dma setting and you have to manually change it back.

while my answer may not be 'on the money', i think it's a little more accurate than those 'normal' reponses. the reality is that if you have a drive that is THAT sensitive to the media it uses or it's postion on the ide chain or some other stupidity like that, then the bottom line is that you need another drive.
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Postby eliminator on Thu Jan 01, 1970 5:40 am

Thank God for the genius amongst us ! :roll:

... and it only took him a month or so to respond... :lol: :lol:
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Postby KuoH on Thu Jan 01, 1970 5:40 am

Lol. Yeah sure, it's almost never the media. I mean if the media manufacturer has the gall to print 32X in great big font on top of the CD, then it must be true! When they say "different media", do they mean different media from the same spindle, or different media from different spindles, or different media from different manufacturers? I wish I was a genius. :wink:

I had no idea that Ian had no idea. :wink:

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Postby jr_G-man on Thu Jan 01, 1970 5:42 am

don't start misinterpreting what i say. i'm not saying that anyone specifically here is some kind of idiot.

i'm only saying that if you start browsing through these forums, you will constantly run into the replies where someone drops a quick message to say something like 'try a different type of media' or something like that. it never seems to be the real answer to the problem, but it's an 'easy' answer. in actuality, it should almost always follow "i'm not really sure, but..."

also, you will run into the type of people that will post any comment that comes to mind, regardless as to whether it supplies useful information to the subject, just so they can 'boost' they posts numbers up.
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Postby KuoH on Thu Jan 01, 1970 5:42 am

To be quite frank, the can't burn above 12x problem is usually a DMA issue, though media incompatibility is also sometimes a cause. Any other speed limiting problems are usually a result of media incompatibility or system performance issues. Since switching media is often the quickest and sometimes cheapest way to eliminate one factor, it is usually suggested first.

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Postby dodecahedron on Thu Jan 01, 1970 5:42 am

i'm really not sure, but...
it seems that Ian is trying to boost his his post number...tsk tsk tsk...we should ask the MODERATOR of this forum to tell him off... :o
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Postby blakerwry on Thu Jan 01, 1970 5:44 am

How does DMA not being set affect the write speed setting of a CD-R drive? (much less the actual burn rotation speed).

Considering that PIO mode 4 supports 16mb/sec(at very high CPU usage) and 48x CD speed == 7,200 kb/sec.
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Postby Ramoz on Thu Jan 01, 1970 6:31 am

I had the same problem with my LTR40125S and the lastest firmware (ZS0N).. It would no longer burn at faster than 12x (or was it 8, don't even remember). Anyhow I went back to ZS0K and everything was fine.

I thought maybe the bundled Nero was locked in to use only the firmware version that originally came with the drive (ZS0K), but if it thought the drive was different after the firmware update why would it work at all? *shrugs* I haven't had any problems with the ZS0k version, so I'm just going to stick with it.

So my suggestion is to go flash an earlier firmware and see if it helps any.
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Postby {JNT} Raptor on Sat Nov 09, 2002 8:31 am

If "Smart Burn" is enabled Nero will check the Media your trying to Use and Limit it to a Quality setting to try and reduce Burn Errors......Changing Media is a Good Smart Answer........But Hey......I'm only trying to Raise My post count. ;)

I found this out because My LiteOn 48x burner is set in Nero to Burn at a Max of 32x......I turned off "Smart Burn" and max speed then went to 48x.....Of course I put "Smart Burn" back on.....I'll just buy better Media next time.
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Postby CCampbell on Tue Nov 12, 2002 8:31 pm

All responses are true from my experiences.

In most cases it is the media, and the second biggest cause is old drivers from Packet Writing software. Such as DirectCD, PacketCD, DLA, FileCD, and Even InCD drivers left behind on the system can cause this. This is normally true if the write speeds are limited to 2x, 4x 10x, 12x, or 16x.

But DMA not being enabled does affect the systems performance, and with some recorders if they do not have DMA enabled then they drop down to slower write speeds when tested by software such as Nero.

And last is Firmware for the Recorder. The media may support the higher write speeds, but the Recorder has information about media in it's firmware, so that it can use the optimum read and write stratigies for the various brands of media. When its unable to determine a brand, it will use a Generie Read/Write formula. An upgrade to the firmware on the recorder can resolve this issue.


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