I just found another place (again here in Oz) that quotes that LG info.
It is an online-store:
Surely they wouldn't advertise the product on their site as having those features if it didn't?!? -Maybe the drives here are different?
So far from the information I have found, the comparison:
LiteOn LTR-40125S vs LG GC-8320B:
They can both be OC'ed (LiteOn 40->48; LG 32->40 )
Both (once OC'ed) use P-CAV writing.
LiteOn is has 2MB buffer and Mt.Rainier support
LG seems to have an 8MB buffer and (maybe) Mt.Rainier support:
I found another Australian store selling the LG listing those specs:
so even ignoring the Mt.Rainier issue, is the 8MB buffer of the LG an advantage over the LiteOn which has only 2MB. -I have seen all sorts of different comments about this. -Most reviews quote the LiteOn's Smart-X or something as making up the difference. true?
Also I have noticed on these sites that the LG 8400B is quoted as NOT having Mt.Rainier support! curious......
..-so I am thinking that even if the 8320B DOES support it, then when it is OC'ed (as it needs to be to get P-CAV writing and 40x) then it will lose support???
sorry if I am being difficult.
(I just need to rip a lot of audio (with no room fo error) and the audio cd's I make must also be perfect. -and not having enough cash to go for any of the more expensive drives

I want to make sure I get the right one.)