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recommendation for buy dvd-rw


recommendation for buy dvd-rw

Postby mihai123 on Sat Apr 02, 2011 5:14 pm

hi all y want to buy dvd-rw .not interested lightscribe,the sound wehen read and write etcc.
for me interested is:good read,good read error and very good burn.
wich is the best ???"only those model":
-sony AD-7260S
-samsung SH-S223C/BEBE
-liteon IHAS124-19
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Re: recommendation for buy dvd-rw

Postby Ian on Sat Apr 02, 2011 8:29 pm

If I remember right, the IHAS124-19 is a Sony Optiarc AD-7240S clone. The AD-7260S is very similar to the AD-7240S so I'd buy whichever one is cheapest. Don't bother with the Samsung.
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Re: recommendation for buy dvd-rw

Postby mihai123 on Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:34 am

ian dvd-rw LG is over or under SONY-OPTIARC ???for example:LG GH24NS50 .in my contry(romania)the best buy is LG....or peoples is bad informed?
thanks a lot =D>
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Re: recommendation for buy dvd-rw

Postby SithTracy on Sun Apr 03, 2011 8:49 am

Personally, I have always had great results from LG optical drives. My frustration has been lack of firmware support, but since I don't burn many discs these days it is not a major concern. I just use the drives as readers/rippers. LG drives are riplocked by default, but they do perform well. That said, the Optiarc drives are pretty good. I never went with the 7260 but have a couple 7240's collecting dust somewhere. At the time they were probably the best overall choice for a all purpose burner. Suspect that is the case with the 7260 as well.
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Re: recommendation for buy dvd-rw

Postby Ian on Sun Apr 03, 2011 8:40 pm

If a drive is good right off the bat, does it need a firmware update? ;)
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Re: recommendation for buy dvd-rw

Postby SithTracy on Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:20 pm

Ian wrote:If a drive is good right off the bat, does it need a firmware update? ;)

Sometimes... Yes :D . But you are right, LG drives are usually damn good burners out of the gate. I had been critical of them in the past that they just released a new model, but that kept MFG going I guess... Now if BenQ and Plextor did that, they might still be around today... Still got some Plextors (PX-716A & PX-755SA) and BenQ'S (DW1620's & DW1640's) in storage... not sure why. I will never use them again. Retired my old nForce2 rigs recently too. Time to get rid of that stuff.
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Re: recommendation for buy dvd-rw

Postby mihai123 on Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:34 pm

heloo all.IAN tomorow y go to shop to buy dvd-rw.please last decision SONY OR LG?.thanks a lot
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Re: recommendation for buy dvd-rw

Postby Ian on Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:15 pm

Either one is a good choice. I guess if it was me and I had to choose, I'd go with the Sony.
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Re: recommendation for buy dvd-rw

Postby mihai123 on Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:03 pm

thanks a lot IAN the dvd-rw read and write impeccable!!!!!!
y want software free for burn(i don,t like nero is cost money and is big pig :lol: ).which is better:Imgburn,infrarecorder or another?
p.s. very nice you boy in avatar
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Re: recommendation for buy dvd-rw

Postby Ian on Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:10 pm

If I don't have Nero handy, I use ImgBurn.

Yeah, that's one of my boys. He's got a Happy Meal box stuck on his head.
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Re: recommendation for buy dvd-rw

Postby SithTracy on Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:02 pm

Another ImgBurn vote, but I did purchase Nero for Linux and like using that alot. Not as bloated with stuff I don't need or want. That said I suspect Nero Linux is going end of life since it has not been updated in a long time. Lack of interest I suspect. Most people use Brasero or K3b there anyway. I was always used to the classic Nero interface and the Linux version was worth the 10 bucks or so I paid for it.
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Re: recommendation for buy dvd-rw

Postby Ian on Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:17 pm

Nero really hasn't updated Nero Burning Rom much over the years either. They keep adding features to the suite, but the core program hasn't changed much.
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Re: recommendation for buy dvd-rw

Postby mihai123 on Wed Feb 13, 2019 6:48 pm

hello @Ian,after 8year my dvd-rw(optiarc-sony AD-7260S) dead
the simtoms: when start pc the pc no go to windows, boot and not let me enter the bios,when push booton open-close tray the sistem go to desktop i not undestead but this is simtom...and not read dvd-cd...
this is important: after disconnect sata and satapower(for dvd-rw) not problem with booting pc...
please give new me recomandation to buy:ASUS--(DRW-24D5MT),LG--(GH24NSD1)have only 0,5mb buffer or LiteOn (IHAS124-14) ?
LiteOn is two version: IHAS124-14 with write dvd 24x but only 0,5mb buffer and IHAS122-14(i think old version)dvd 22x with buffer 2mb.
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Re: recommendation for buy dvd-rw

Postby Dartman on Sun Feb 17, 2019 9:19 pm

At this point you might as well go with a Blue Ray burner that can do it all. I bought a LG WH16NS40 as it supports almost every format you can burn and can even rip ULHD movie ISO's with the right program and firmware. I have burned a few BD disks with it and my Sony x800 ULHD player likes them fine and they play. Hard to say who makes the best normal DVD burner these days but probably LG on a guess and more then likely the Asus is based on a LG drive too. Probably whichever one you get the best price on if you don't want a BD-RE burner now.
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Re: recommendation for buy dvd-rw

Postby Ian on Mon Feb 18, 2019 2:51 am

Before you buy a new drive, you might want to try a different SATA cable and/or a different drive just to make sure that buying a new one will fix the issue.

Buffer size isn't really as important as it used to be. Unless your system is really old, it shouldn't have any issues delivering the data fast enough.

If I had to choose, I'd go with the LG or Lite-On.
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Re: recommendation for buy dvd-rw

Postby mihai123 on Mon Feb 18, 2019 12:51 pm

Thank you very much
i go with lite-on IHAS122-14
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Re: recommendation for buy dvd-rw

Postby mihai123 on Fri Feb 22, 2019 10:54 am

[quote="Dartman"] dartman blu-ray is verry expensive ~ 87$(low price) so i buy lite-on ihas 122 with 14$,i use dvd=rw in specialy for burn cd-music for my audio hi-fi
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Re: recommendation for buy dvd-rw

Postby Dartman on Fri Feb 22, 2019 7:24 pm

Must be a lot more expensive where your at as I think I paid around 60 for mine shipped and I hardly burn disk anymore but wanted to be able to burn all the latest BDXL dual layer and M disk stuff. Blank 25 gig media here has gotten pretty cheap for 50 cake boxes so I have a bunch to play with now.
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Re: recommendation for buy dvd-rw

Postby mihai123 on Sat Feb 23, 2019 7:17 pm

@Ian please tell me good-free software to burn.
for moment i use imgburn is great but is little complicate to make audio-cd,is make .flac to cd need every time to make.cue etc...
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Re: recommendation for buy dvd-rw

Postby Ian on Fri Mar 01, 2019 10:21 am

It's been awhile since I burned an audio CD but I typically used Nero or Imgburn
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Re: recommendation for buy dvd-rw

Postby mihai123 on Sat Mar 02, 2019 4:07 pm

i write cd for my hi-fi audio,thank you very much.
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Re: recommendation for buy dvd-rw

Postby Scour on Sat May 11, 2019 3:52 pm

CDBurnerXP portable, free and easy to use

Benq DW 1640 and 1650 , Plextor PX-755, Pioneer BDR-208 and 209D, LG GH24NSC0, LG BH16NS40 and 16NS55, Liteon ihas 124F and 324F, Pioneer DVR-215 and S21, Samsung SH-224DB and 224GB, and some more

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