If the lack of new models wasn't a big enough hint, I heard from a reliable source today that Lite-On has stopped making Blu-ray drives. The only exception is the drive for the Xbox which Lite-On manufactuers.
Lite-On isn't totally out of the optical drive game though. According to the roadmap I saw, the company will be introducing updated 16x (DH-16D8SH) and 18x (DH-18D8SH) DVD-ROM drives this fall as well as new 16x and 24x DVD writers (DH-16AFSH and DH-24AFSH). For the mobile market, Lite-On has new 12.7mm, 9.0mm and 9.5mm tray load DVD writers on the way as well as a couple of new DVD-ROM drives.
Most of these are for the OEM market. I'm not sure if we'll see these being sold under the Lite-On brand.