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AACS 2.0 Cracked?

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AACS 2.0 Cracked?

Postby Ian on Wed May 03, 2017 1:17 pm

Looks like the AACS 2.0 encryption used to protect Ultra HD Blu-ray discs might be cracked.

https://torrentfreak.com/first-pirated- ... ed-170503/

A few hours ago a pirated copy of the "Smurfs 2" UHD Blu-Ray Disc appeared on the well known private torrent tracker UltraHDclub. The release suggests that the AACS 2.0 encryption technology used to protect these discs may have been circumvented for the first time. However, without further details, it's probably wise not to jump to conclusions too quickly.
"Blu-ray is just a bag of hurt." - Steve Jobs
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Re: AACS 2.0 Cracked?

Postby Dartman on Sat May 06, 2017 12:34 am

WoooHooo, lets hope they have just because. We should have the right to backup anything we own anyways. I bought a awesome Sony UBP-X800 UHD plays everything deck right after buying that new 4k tv. The one movie I watched on it looked really nice even being just a regular Blue Ray disk. It loads super fast, plays anything on my network, played a multiavchd made blue Ray of some shows I captured perfectly and plays SACD and DVD audio disks as well all for 300 bucks.
They even very quickly sent me 2 bonus UHD disks for buying it I haven't watched yet. I would love to backup and play those disks but may need a new burner to do it eventually. I can backup just about any other disk I own whether they like it or not now.
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