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HandBrake 1.0.0 Released

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HandBrake 1.0.0 Released

Postby Ian on Wed Dec 28, 2016 5:34 pm

Wow.. only took them 13 years to reach the 1.0.0 milestone. :wink:

After more than 13 years of development, the HandBrake Team is delighted to present HandBrake 1.0.0. Thank you to all of our many contributors over the years for making HandBrake what it is today.

Release Highlights


- New online documentation at https://handbrake.fr/docs
- Completely overhauled the official presets
- New general use presets for broad compatibility
- New device presets, now more up-to-date for common devices
- New web presets
- New Matroska (MKV) presets, including VP9 video with Opus audio
- Official presets from HandBrake 0.10.x are still available under "Legacy"
- New JSON-based preset system including command line support
- New JSON-based API for interacting with libhb
- Improvements to audio/video sync engine to better handle difficult sources
- Many miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements (over 1700 code commits!)

- VP9 video encoding via libvpx
- Intel QuickSync Video H.265/HEVC encoder
- Requires Intel Skylake or newer CPU
- Ultra HD / 4K color pass through (support for BT.2020)
- Additional standard frame rate selections in the graphical interfaces
- New Auto anamorphic mode maximizes storage resolution, replaces Strict anamorphic mode
- New Pad filter (command line only for now)
- New Decomb/Deinterlace filter settings and improved defaults
- Rotate filter now available in all graphical interfaces
- New NLMeans filter tunes Tape and Sprite for analog tape recordings and vintage video games, respectively
- Assembly optimizations NLMeans filter improve performance up to 10%
- Assembly optimizations in x264 encoder improve performance for faster presets by 5-10%
- x265 encoder quality improvements, especially when using tune grain
- High bit depth encoding support via external shared libraries (video pipeline is still 8-bit 4:2:0)
- x264 10-bit
- x265 10-bit and 12-bit

- Opus audio encoding/decoding via libopus
- Passthru now supports E-AC-3, FLAC, and TrueHD audio formats

- Improved subtitles rendering for some languages via HarfBuzz
- Miscellaneous subtitles improvements
Command line interface

- Presets can now be imported and exported from the command line and are compatible with the graphical interfaces
- Queue exported from the graphical interfaces can now be imported by the command line interface (Linux and Windows only for now)
Build system

- Add scripts to manually build and install Mac and MinGW-w64 (compile for Windows on Linux) toolchains
- Add support for multiple source URLs for third-party downloads
- Add SHA256 hash verification for third-party downloads
- Add configure parameter to disable or filter allowed third-party downloads (see configure --help)
- Use HTTPS everywhere; the few cases where a third-party does not provide packages over https, handbrake.fr does
- New targets on Mac to install and uninstall after building
- Add flatpak packaging support (experimental)
Third-party libraries

- Updated libraries
- FreeType 2.6.5 (subtitles)
- Fontconfig 2.12.1 (subtitles)
- FriBidi 0.19.7 (subtitles)
- Libav 12 (encoding/decoding/muxing)
- libass 0.13.2 (subtitles)
- libbluray 0.9.3 (Blu-ray decoding)
- libmfx v6.0.0 (Intel QuickSync Video encoding/decoding)
- libvpx 1.5.0 (VP8/VP9 video encoding)
- x264 148 r2708 (H.264/AVC video encoding)
- x265 2.1 (H.265/HEVC video encoding)
- New libraries
- HarfBuzz 1.3.0 (subtitles)
- libopus 1.1.3 (Opus audio encoding)

Downloads for Windows, Mac and Ubuntu: https://handbrake.fr/downloads.php
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Re: HandBrake 1.0.0 Released

Postby SithTracy on Tue Jan 24, 2017 3:58 pm

... long time since I checked in here... so hello all....

There have been more updates to Handbrake in the last few months than in several years. I still use it on occasion though.
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Re: HandBrake 1.0.0 Released

Postby Dartman on Fri Jan 27, 2017 2:23 am

I used to use it to make AVCHD HD DVD disks of my HDTV show captures to watch on my first gen Panasonic Blue Ray player out front on my setup before I discovered networking and media players. They alsways played well and if I needed more time I'd record to DL blanks when I had them.
I no longer burn disk like that because of my wired network and Android based media player plays just about ever format out directly and it all goes to my HDTV and 5.1 setup. Last time I tried to make a series BD disk it wouldn't paly at all or just played everything one at a time and ignored chapters and everything else.
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