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Asus SDRW-08D1S-U Firmware? Driver?


Asus SDRW-08D1S-U Firmware? Driver?

Postby Chuckie on Sat Mar 26, 2016 8:52 pm

Hello, I am new here and hope that one of your experienced members maybe able to help. I would greatly appreciate it.
I have spent about 4 hours googling trying to figure out how to get my slim line Asus external burner to recognize blank dvd's and to no avail. Every site that I tried had Driver Support etc. scanner which I installed and then uninstalled as it did my whole Toshiba laptop, which I was not interested in and there was nothing specified about the Asus.
I just found it in my packing boxes after moving and have not used it for a long time and now find it does not recognize blank dvd's. I have tried R-, R + and RW, but no change. Also different brands of Sony, Maxell.
This burner did work and so I am wondering if I am missing the Drivers or firmware??
I checked in Device Manager and there are no yellow exclamations and then I went into the Drive details themselves and it indicated that it was working? The Light goes on when it is plugged into the computer and then goes out?

OS is xp with Kaspersky and Malware Bytes. I don't know where the disc is that came with the unit.

I really look forward to some comments.
BTW my Lite On external burner is working fine...I only bought this one some time ago as a back up and just recently found it after our move.
Thankyou for your time.
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Re: Asus SDRW-08D1S-U Firmware? Driver?

Postby Ian on Sun Mar 27, 2016 10:52 pm

You shouldn't need a driver. Even with XP, it should be automatically recognized.

What software are you using to burn the discs?
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Re: Asus SDRW-08D1S-U Firmware? Driver?

Postby Chuckie on Tue Mar 29, 2016 2:08 am

Hi sorry for the delay in reply, however it was Easter Long weekend. I have tried with Nero Classic 2015, One Click Copy, Clone DVD and A Shampoo.
When I click on my computer it shows the Drive as CD drive which is what it shows when I attach my Lite On, however when I insert a R+. R or RW when I click on My Computer the CD Drive changes to DVD... this Asus used to do this as well but after some years and my finding it back in its original box it simply will not recognize Maxell, Sony, Verbatim as I mentioned and so I believed that I was missing drivers, though I seem to recall that when I bought it that it was plug n play???
Thx very much for the reply and I hope to hear something again.
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Re: Asus SDRW-08D1S-U Firmware? Driver?

Postby Ian on Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:03 am

Do me a favor and run CD-DVD Speed and check what it says under Disc Info

http://www.cdrlabs.com/View-details/Mis ... .7.16.html
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Re: Asus SDRW-08D1S-U Firmware? Driver?

Postby Chuckie on Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:59 pm

Hi there, thx for the reply. I did run your CD-DVD Speed Disk, thankyou and I also changed the USB ports that the burner was connected to (before I ran your Speed Disk). I checked in My Computer and there was still no change with the Burner Title, however after I changed the 2 connected cables to different USB and then did your test.. voila!!! My Computer was recognizing the Drive and playing back and as well burning and So I thank you very much for your Genuine interest and patience with my problem.
I am going to put marks on my burner cables and as well corresponding sticky color dots on the laptop above the corresponding USB Ports.
I indeed am very pleased with the competency of this Forum and will keep it in my short list of Tech Helpers, again thank you and apologies for not getting this posted sooner...still have Easter visitors.
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Re: Asus SDRW-08D1S-U Firmware? Driver?

Postby Ian on Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:04 pm

Awesome. Sounds like those other USB ports weren't putting out enough power for the drive. Glad you got it all sorted out.
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