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Anyone pre-ordering a Samsung 850 PRO SSD?

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Anyone pre-ordering a Samsung 850 PRO SSD?

Postby Ian on Tue Jul 01, 2014 4:51 pm

Has anyone placed a pre-order for Samsung's new 850 PRO SSD? According to the reviews, its a winner. Prices are about $0.73 to $1 a GB so its not the cheapest drive out there but with 10x the write cycles of the next consumer SSD and a 10 year warranty, its probably worth it.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductLi ... IAQAQHKMYM
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Re: Anyone pre-ordering a Samsung 850 PRO SSD?

Postby Dartman on Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:50 am

Well that would be nice but with everything going on and no raise for years my big toy buying days are about over #-o
Something like over 700 bucks for a 1tb, I run a WD server grade 500gig now as my boot drive, paid 100 for it because of the extra durability, warranty. I did buy it several years ago though when I was upgrading the OS and things in here.
Maybe someday when I get rich and famous... :lol:
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Re: Anyone pre-ordering a Samsung 850 PRO SSD?

Postby Ian on Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:35 pm

No raise for years? Sounds like you work for the state of Wisconsin like me. ;)
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Re: Anyone pre-ordering a Samsung 850 PRO SSD?

Postby Dartman on Sat Jul 05, 2014 2:17 pm

Nope, just typical uptight boss who freaks out about any expenses and can't seem to see that happy well paid employees do better work and can afford to survive. He keeps complaining that everything is going up and I tell him he's not the only one who notices but he doesn't seem to get the hint.
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