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what DVD burner to buy ?


what DVD burner to buy ?

Postby stix on Fri May 02, 2014 6:36 pm

I haven't seen any reviews around here for long time for a standard SATA DVD burner. It's not exactly where the action is, but I still use them.

Can anyone recommend a reliable one they like? Preferable a good reader as well as writer.

Has there really been nothing worth mentioning since the Sony-Optiarc ?

Should I get a Lite-On before they are no-longer available? If so, which one?

Thanks for any thoughts on this.
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Re: what DVD burner to buy ?

Postby Ian on Sun May 04, 2014 10:51 pm

While Lite-On is out of the Blu-ray business, they're still going to keep making DVD writers for the time being. In fact, if I remember right, they have some updated models on the way.
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