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magix audio cleaning lab question

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magix audio cleaning lab question

Postby coonsanders on Wed Jan 01, 2014 9:35 pm

hi gang
im trying to figure out how to figure how to remove the beginnings and the ends of 78s..magix has an option called remove object beginnings and the ends that
does this very thing..but I cant figure out how to do this..i checked all the tutorials on line and in the magix website but no soap.i was told that I can do this with
an option called scissors on the magix software.but as of this moment I cant make heads or tails out of that also.if anyone here knows how to9 proced with this
im all ears.thanks

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Re: magix audio cleaning lab question

Postby redk9258 on Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:01 pm

I haven't used Magix for about 4 years, since I updated my PC and went to Windows 7. I have converted my old XP HDD image to a vhd file and can run it in Virtual PC.
What version are you using? I have Audio Cleaning Lab 11. Looking at the waveform, can't you select the part you want removed and right click and delete?
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Re: magix audio cleaning lab question

Postby coonsanders on Sat Jan 04, 2014 12:06 pm

That's what I did basically thanks

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Re: magix audio cleaning lab question

Postby coonsanders on Mon Feb 03, 2014 1:17 pm

I have another issue with magix..when I record a song into the computer and hit stop somes the stop cuts the last few seconds from the end or the beginning of the song making it unuseable..on my older pcs
I don't remember having this problem but since I got these 2 new very new dells its been happening on both these new computers.has this ever happened to you?

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