I've decided that its time to build a new server for at home. Currently I'm using Windows Home Server 2010 and the plan is to upgrade to Windows Server 2012 Essentials. Unfortunately the ASUS TS mini I'm currently using is 32-bit only so I can't reuse that. Instead, I'm going to build a new server using hardware laying around and/or I can buy off eBay, Amazon, etc. The requirements are that it needs to be small, quiet and fast enough to do file serving, backups and media streaming using Windows Server Essentials.
Here's what I have so far:
Case: Supermicro SC731i-300 (http://www.supermicro.com/products/chas ... 1i-300.cfm) - Not real flashy but its small, built like a tank and already has a PS.
Motherboard: MSI H67MA-E45 B3 motherboard (http://www.msi.com/product/mb/H67MA-E45--B3-.html) - Has RAID 0/1/5, USB 3.0 and Gigabit ethernet. Only downer is that it doesn't have eSATA but this is easy enough to rectify.
Memory: I have 4GB of G.Skill DDR3-1333 laying around
Boot Drive: 120 or 128GB SATA III SSD. I have a bunch of these laying around. I'd love to run two mirrored but I don't have a matching pair.
Hard Drives: I wish I had two or three matching 3TB drives but I don't at the moment. For now, I'll probably run a mishmash of drives.
Processor: This is the one thing I don't have. It doesn't need to be fast so I'm looking at a Intel G2020 or Intel Celeron G1610. Price difference is about $20.