Windows XP Home, Sp. 3 Nero Wave Editor 10
I am trying to create a multi-track CD. I have done this successfully many times in the past (2 or 3 years ago). But what happens now is that I end up with only one track. Here is my procedure:
Open the starting wav file. Then copy/paste the next file at the end of the first file, leaving a small space. At the beginning of the first file, in the empty space I place the cursor and then Edit/Insert Track Split. The Track 1 indicator then shows up. I repeat this action in between the two files and the Track 2 indicator shows up. Then click “Save” and “Close”.
If I now reopen the file the track indicators do not show up. I don’t remember if they did before or not, but I think they should. How else would one know what had been added to the file??
The I go to the Nero Multimedia Suite 10, select Audio Burning and then add the file just created. The CD burns successfully.
If I open the newly created CD in RealPlayer only one track shows up. If I look at the contents of the CD in Windows Explorer, only one track is there. If I look at previously created CDs all the tracks show in both RealPlayer and Windows Explorer.
I’m obviously overlooking to do something, but can’t remember what. Can you help me?