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New 010G Firmware For Crucial M4 and Micron C400 SSDs

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New 010G Firmware For Crucial M4 and Micron C400 SSDs

Postby Ian on Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:22 pm

Micron has released a new firmware update for the Crucial M4 and Micron C400 SSDs. There is also a 01MG firmware for the mSATA versions of these two SSDs. Here is the change log for firmware 010G/01MG:

Version 010G includes the following changes:
* Improved Trim response time
* Improved power-on-to-ready time (known as POR, or TTR for Time-to-ready)
* Improved resume-time from low power modes, and improved reliability of warm reboot
* Improved power consumption by disabling HIPM (Host Initiated Power Management)

Download links:

Micron C400 - http://www.micron.com/products/solid-st ... d#software

Crucial M4 - http://www.crucial.com/support/ssd/index.aspx
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