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cd software question..

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cd software question..

Postby coonsanders on Sun Jun 17, 2012 3:48 pm

i just removed macix from my computer having been totally dissapointed with it..there is NO support 4 it..ok if i were to consider another software what should it be?i use nero for putting stuff into my pc..soundsoap for editing ans click repaier and then i use goldwave as a finish..i tried audicity magix,.i have heard that bias who makes soundsoap went belly up so l
need something else as a back up softeare..im willing to spend 1.00 to 100.00 or maybe more..ponder this with some suggestions for lenny.

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Re: cd software question..

Postby NuGuy on Sat Jun 23, 2012 8:34 pm

What are you trying to do?
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Re: cd software question..

Postby coonsanders on Fri Jul 27, 2012 7:42 am

im using the magix ok but i have a question about it..nothing bad..when i do audio files the finished file comes with an "image file"..what is this and what does it do?

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Re: cd software question..

Postby NuGuy on Sat Jul 28, 2012 11:58 am

I was just curious, but my sophistication in these things is very basic. It seems to me like you're doing something special, like trying to burn original tracks of music that your band or something has recorded...? Anyway, you got me about the image file. Sounds like something that records the organization of the CD. You know, l think something like this is seen when you save photos with an MS OS - inside each folder of photos is some sort of index file that is not a photo.... So maybe your image file is something on the CD that tracks the characteristics of the audio files that are on the CD.

coonsanders, I don't know what the heck I'm talking about, but I was curious. So, exactly what sort of audio are you trying to burn? Are you in a band trying to burn your own music and sell CDs?
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Re: cd software question..

Postby Ian on Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:01 pm

coonsanders wrote:hi
im using the magix ok but i have a question about it..nothing bad..when i do audio files the finished file comes with an "image file"..what is this and what does it do?


It's a disc image. Think of it as a container that has all of the data tracks and relevant info in it. When you burn it to disc, you simply select the image and go.
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