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a responce..

SlySoft, Alcohol, VSO Software, NTI, etc.

a responce..

Postby coonsanders on Sat Jul 28, 2012 2:28 pm

im just tring to edit and burn 78s and lps..i got the basic jist of it..what i hate most about these softwares is the is NO support..if your a newbie like be your left pretty much on your own to figure it out which in my case is a very daunting task..in the case of magix there is zippo support and i have to find ways to do things within the software on my own..i
casn just manage to do things with it..one of my previous softwares soundsoap just went out of business so these no more support with that either when there was a little support..its never easy with these softwares..thanks 4 your intrest

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