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Fully automated DVD duplication systems - suggestions wanted


Fully automated DVD duplication systems - suggestions wanted

Postby jordancpeterson on Thu Apr 24, 2003 1:45 pm

We are interested in purchasing a fully automated DVD-R 2 or 4 bay with thermal printing duplication system. We are currently looking at the Rimage systems (and have looked at several others). Does anyone have any other suggestions or anything that we should know about? We don't want to have to worry about a lot of down time and fooling around (something dependable).

Thank you for your help in advance!

Jordan Peterson
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Postby Ian on Thu Apr 24, 2003 2:18 pm

I recommend marcan.com or primera.com
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Thank you for the suggestions!

Postby jordancpeterson on Sat Apr 26, 2003 3:52 pm

Thank you for the suggestions! You've got us on the right start!

Marcan, Inc. ( http://www.marcan.com/ ) sells the Mediatechnics Systems which we are looking at real closely. They come with the Rimage Prism Plus Thermal Color Printer
Primera Technology, Inc. ( http://www.primeratechnology.com/ ) we are concerned they may be to cheaply made (not industrial enough). Also theirs must have a PC to run the masters off of.

Just posting this for others interested in our research so far. We are currently looking at the following manufacturers and systems (listed in the order most likely that we'll go with).

Mediatechnics Systems Inc. - http://www.mediatechnics.com/
IP4DVD-4 with 4-4X DVD-R Recorders, 800 disc capacity $ 7,996 http://www.mediatechnics.com/pages/ip4dvdpt.htm
Rimage Prism Plus Thermal Color Printer add on $ 3,750

Verity Systems - http://www.veritysystems.com/
CopyDisc 4P (4-4X) http://www.veritysystems.com/cdduplicatorcopydisc4p.htm
Price unknown. Thermal printer manufacturer unknown.

Mediaform - http://www.mediaform.com/
QuadraPRO 4-4X DVD-R drives, 450-disc capacity http://www.mediaform.com/3000quadraPRO.html
Price unknown. Comes with Rimage Prism Plus Thermal Color Printer

Primera Technology, Inc. - http://www.primeratechnology.com/
ComposerMAX! 4-Drive DVD-R/CD-R (4x/16x) $9995.00 http://www.primeratechnology.com/composermax/
ComposerPro 2-Drive DVD-R/CD-R (4x/16x) $6995.00 http://www.primeratechnology.com/composerpro/
Add on Inscripta Thermal DVD/CD Printer $2995.00 http://www.primeratechnology.com/inscripta/

Rimage - http://www.rimage.com/
Protege II Automatic 2-bay DVD-R network based Seen on http://www.microboards.com/current/prod ... cer2.shtml
AutoStar II Automatic 4-bay DVD-R network based Seen on http://www.microboards.com/current/prod ... cer2.shtml
Down side on these are they both come with the Everest Printer (about 70 cents per DVD/CD - I'm not sure if we can get the Prism Plus - which we want)
Also the Desktop 4500 4 bay $6,370.00 may be an option (doesn't have thermal printing)

Logicube - http://www.logicube.com/
This company is really not our list because they don't have a thermal printer option (just putting it down because we've looked at it - and a slight possibility)
F-OCA5DVD-IJ Automated DVD-R 4 - writer 4X DVD/ 16X CDR system, 500 Disc Capacity $7,995.00 http://www.logicube.com/products/dvd_du ... CA4DVD.asp


We have looked at others but this is what is still on the possibilities list. Our top pick would be Rimage but their systems are a little too pricey for us (or they don't have the thermal printing). If anyone has anything else to add about any of these companies, their products or services we'd really appreciate it. We'll keep ya'll updated as to what we go with.

Thank you!
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Re: Fully automated DVD duplication systems - suggestions wa

Postby acronova on Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:05 pm

Hello Jordan,
Do you have an Epson inkjet printer?
If you do, Acronova's Nimbie Sidekick could be a good option. It could turn a compatible Epson inkjet printer into a disc auto-loading printer.
Check out the compatibility of your Epson model here http://www.acronova.com/product.php?id=3&n=spec
If you need disc burning+printing, try Nimbie Sidekick NK50Y system.
Buffer Underrun
Posts: 3
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