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LG WH12LS30 12x Blu-ray Rewriter - $75 Shipped @ Newegg

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LG WH12LS30 12x Blu-ray Rewriter - $75 Shipped @ Newegg

Postby Ian on Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:18 am

Newegg has got the LG WH12LS30 12x Blu-ray rewriter with Lightscribe for $74.99. Shipped free. Deal ends on 7/31.

LG Black 12X BD-R 2X BD-RE 16X DVD+R 12X DVD-RAM 10X BD-ROM 4MB Cache SATA Super Multi WH12LS30 LightScribe Support - OEM

I really need to get one of these to review. Yeah LG.. I'm looking at you. :wink:
"Blu-ray is just a bag of hurt." - Steve Jobs
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Re: LG WH12LS30 12x Blu-ray Rewriter - $75 Shipped @ Newegg

Postby Dartman on Sun Jul 31, 2011 2:39 pm

Looks like a pretty good burner according to most of the customer reviews. Don't forget that there is 5 bucks shipping included unless they switch over to free soon. Looks like they are trying to push a new shipping club where you pay 79 a year and get free 2 day shipping with any shop that supports their service.
I hardly use he one I have now but twice as fast for 2/3'ds less is tempting, thanks for the heads up.
Well just looked again and now it's 79 bucks with 5 shipping so musta been a limited time deal last week... #-o
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Re: LG WH12LS30 12x Blu-ray Rewriter - $75 Shipped @ Newegg

Postby Ian on Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:12 pm

Even with the shipping its still a good deal.

Shipping for $79 a year? Who do they think they are, Amazon?
"Blu-ray is just a bag of hurt." - Steve Jobs
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Re: LG WH12LS30 12x Blu-ray Rewriter - $75 Shipped @ Newegg

Postby Dartman on Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:27 pm

Well I don't know, I usually buy on sale with free shipping anyways. I'm not going to pay more a year then I typically pay extra for shipping anyways, just another way to wring pure profit outa customers. They an afford to offer free shipping on small sale items as they get preferred rates for shipping in bulk 24/7 anyways. And after getting used to eBay and other online places I always add shipping to make sure it still is a good deal after all.
Most of our favorite shops have warehouses close by so my stuff usually gets here in 2 or 3 days anyways.
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