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Buy recommendation for Blu-Ray burner

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Buy recommendation for Blu-Ray burner

Postby ChromeBeauty on Sat Jun 04, 2011 3:48 am

I'm searching for buy recommendations for a Blu-Ray burner.

I think I'm relying on Blu-rays in the future but I'll still burn some DVDs and maybe even a CD so it should be good in those ares too, and I'll use it as a Blue-ray & DVD player to watch material from PC on the TV, the only requirement I have is it should be connected by SATA.

As Blu-ray is still new for me, especially as a recorder, I'm a bit unsure and in some points:

1. Is it correct that 12x will be the maximum speed for at least some time?
I guess I won't use that high speeds because I would like to use my usual manufacture Verbatim and its highest disc burn 6x but I think it's not bad to have some higher speeds available when better discs arrive.

2. Which "abilities"(for example DVD-Bitsetting) could be useful in such a recorder? What abilities should it definately have?

So that all for now, as I said this area is new to me so all recommendations and advices are very welcome.
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Re: Buy recommendation for Blu-Ray burner

Postby Ian on Sat Jun 04, 2011 7:09 pm

I know that some companies are already working on 16x writers, but I don't think they'll be out until next year. The big problem here is the lack of compatible media. It's hard enough to find discs that work at 12x, let alone 16x.

DVD bitsetting isn't as big an issue as it used to be. Unless you have a very old DVD player, you probably won't miss this feature.

Just get something that works with a wide range of media and has good writing quality. Ultimately, that's what matters most.
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Re: Buy recommendation for Blu-Ray burner

Postby ChromeBeauty on Sat Jun 04, 2011 7:55 pm

Speaking of wide range, some recommendations I already have are the Pioneer BDR-205 & 206, maybe my infos about the writes speed are wrong(either I'm blind or there is nothing on the pioneer web page) but some speeds(DVD-R, CD-R) of the 206M are halved compared to the 205/206 I wonder where that comes from.
If anyone has a reliable source for the speeds of the 205, 206D & 206M please be so kind and post them.
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Re: Buy recommendation for Blu-Ray burner

Postby Ian on Sat Jun 04, 2011 8:54 pm

The BDR-206M supports BDXL media. To do so, they sacrificed performance in other areas.
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Re: Buy recommendation for Blu-Ray burner

Postby nvrocha on Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:16 am


I'm new in this forum and this is my first post.
I want to buy a bluray writer and I need your advice on which one to buy.

The decision will probably be between this two:

- LITEON iHBS212 12x 8MB
- Asus BW-12B1LT 12x 8MB

Which model is the best in your opinion? Do you have other suggestions?
I've read that the liteon is very good but in many users reviews the same drive stopped working after a couple of months :(

The drive will be used to play/backup my bluray discs (2D and 3D) and data backup.
I live in Portugal if that makes a difference in any way (but i can always buy from amazon :) )

All recommendations and advices are welcome, thanks.
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Re: Buy recommendation for Blu-Ray burner

Postby Ian on Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:21 am

nvrocha wrote:The decision will probably be between this two:

- LITEON iHBS212 12x 8MB
- Asus BW-12B1LT 12x 8MB

I'm pretty sure that the Asus BW-12B1LT is based on the iHBS212 so they're essentially the same thing.
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Re: Buy recommendation for Blu-Ray burner

Postby LastingHope on Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:14 pm

Hi, This will be my first post as well. I'm looking for a half-height Blu-ray burner that's good for archives and don't really care about speed. I also want a drive that has the widest support for Blu-ray media.
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Re: Buy recommendation for Blu-Ray burner

Postby Ian on Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:04 pm

If you don't care about speed, you can probably find an LG BH08 for cheap. Otherwise, the 12x drives from LG and Lite-On can be picked up for around $100 at some places.
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