by redk9258 on Thu May 19, 2011 6:50 pm
So I ran across some old Photo CDs from 2000-2002. I decided to copy the pictures to my computer. I started with 2 Fuji branded discs. They copied fine. Then I went for a stack of Kodak Picture CDs. Not one could be read in the 7260S. I dug out my trusty old Lite-On LTR-52327S (from 2003) and connected to my PC with a USB to IDE adapter. It read every disc without a problem. I wish they still made drives like this. It was a real workhorse! I used Nero Info tool, but it doesn't tell what brand the CDRs are. I suspect the Fuji are possibly TY, but not sure (code 97m26s01f). The Kodak CDs are a lighter color (code 97m24s45f). Anybody know those codes?