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Dvd Writer search

Postby schnappi on Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:29 am

My pioneer dvr-111d died on me and i was looking for a new one.
I bought an hp 1206 dvd-rw even if i knew that it was a lite-on design.Bad move.It coud write cd-s ok but not one dvd or dvd dl.
So i will take it back and look for another one.
I searched a little this forum and i was scared how many writers use lite-on design - sorry if am subjective on this one.

Can you help me with these two writers (as i could not find any Pioneer 116/216d in my country):
LG GH24LS50 vs Sony optiarc AD-7241S-0B

Wich one would you choose?Are other writers better?

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Re: Dvd Writer search

Postby Ian on Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:07 pm

Both are great drives. If I had to pick one over the other, I'd go with the Optiarc.
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Re: Dvd Writer search

Postby schnappi on Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:22 am

Thank's for the advise Ian.I was asking for an advise because i did not see a review with any of these drives.I just want a reliable burner to backup my photo's/vids of my children.
Why would you pick the optiarc burner?Is it because of the Nec chipset or becouse the quality of burning on the optidrive is better?
If i could find one of the two Pioneer drives 116/216d would you recommend it over the Optiarc?

Thank's in advance,
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Re: Dvd Writer search

Postby Ian on Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:31 pm

I reviewed the AD-7240S which is the same as the AD-7241S, minus support for LightScribe. The LG is a good drive too.. my personal preference is just with Optiarc right now.

The Pioneer 116/216 series is quite old at this time. It was a good drive when it was introduced, but I'm not really sure if Pioneer is even releasing new firmware updates for it still.
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Re: Dvd Writer search

Postby schnappi on Sun Jan 16, 2011 8:35 pm

I think i'll go with the Sony then.

Thank's for the advise!
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Re: Dvd Writer search

Postby schnappi on Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:02 am

Well i bought the sony optiarc AD-7241S-0B.I have to say i like it a lot so far.Done some writing tests at maximum speed of my media and everything is fine.Thank's again Ian for the good advise.
But as this drive is advertised as one with Lightscribe capability, i wanted to see how it works.
Firs of all i have to say that i have an Asrock nforce3 Mobo, windows xp sp3 32 bit.I installed the Lightscribe software and it could not detect any lightscribe drive.I searched the net and it looks to be a driver issue with the nforce ide drivers.I uninstalled the ide drivers, restarted and the lightscribe software could not detect the drive.I am now with the windows xp ide drivers.

What can i do to make the lightscribe work?

Thank's, Bogdan
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Re: Dvd Writer search

Postby Ian on Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:31 am

What software are you using?

Did you install the Lightscribe System Software?

http://lightscribe.com/downloadSection/ ... spx?id=810
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Re: Dvd Writer search

Postby schnappi on Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:16 pm

Yes i did install LSS and all the software from the lightscribe site.For some reason it would not work.After i wrote here i found out (i think in one of you're posts),there is a diagnostic tool from lightscribe.I've installed it and it set something with cd-rom to "0", restarted windows, ran it again and started the LSS service and voila it works!

I don't know why that setting with the cd-rom was not good from the beginning,or why the LSS service was not started but now it works.Maybe you can help me out to understand why it did not work from the begining.

Thank's again for you're support!

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