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yamaha recievers

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yamaha recievers

Postby coonsanders on Thu Sep 02, 2010 8:57 pm

hi gang

i noticed radio shack is selling yamaha recievers....is that a good brand for recievers? thanks

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Re: yamaha recievers

Postby Dartman on Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:29 am

They make some good stuff, and some OK stuff, depends on the model. Knowing Radio Shack they aren't selling any of the top end ones. Poke around here http://www.avsforum.com/ and see what people think of them and look at others that meet your needs and I think you'll find a winner.
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Re: yamaha recievers

Postby coonsanders on Fri Sep 03, 2010 6:03 am

thanks dart..

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Re: yamaha recievers

Postby TechGeorgie on Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:05 am

I used to work for a pro-audio store as a wholesale assistant and I can honestly say that Yamaha is a top-notch brand. None of the customers that have purchased that brand have ever had any complaints. What I can also tell you is that Radio Shack has a tendency to overcharge for a good portion of their products. If you're willing to wait a little longer, I recommend going on eBay or Deals Plus. Many retailers actually sell their products on eBay as Buy it Now, so you're bound to find a good deal. I may not really know electronics, but I know enough about audio electronics to get by. LOL.

Hope this helps! :)
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Re: yamaha recievers

Postby coonsanders on Thu Sep 09, 2010 3:54 pm

ji tech
im like you...i kinow just enough to get by..thanks....

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