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Lite-On LTR-52246S 24x

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Lite-On LTR-52246S 24x

Postby SkaarjMaster on Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:21 pm

Anyone know if this works with WinXP SP2? I was thinking of moving it to my new computer build to burn CD-Rs if it was worth it. Now the next question would be is it worth it?:)
Last edited by SkaarjMaster on Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
MSI (unnamed laptop): GS75 Stealth 95F, Pioneer BDR-XD07B
SKAARJMASTERDUO: WinXPSP3,C2D E8600,Gigabyte EP45-UD3P,Pioneer DVR-216D,BenQ DW1655,Asus E818A3T.
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Re: Lite-On LTR-52246S 52X

Postby Ian on Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:59 am

It works fine. I'm using one right now as I type this.
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Re: Lite-On LTR-52246S 52X

Postby MediumRare on Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:58 am

It's well worth moving! My 48246S (same hardware) is still my main CD burner. Does a great job!

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Re: Lite-On LTR-52246S 52X

Postby Dartman on Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:11 am

The 32x LiteOn cd burner is what got me started here, I probably still have it stashed somewhere, those all were great cd burners and helped LiteOn get the reputation they're still living off today. Pretty sure I have a 48 and a 52 as well but I no longer use them as the dvd burners do almost as nice a job and I don't do many cd's anymore.
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Re: Lite-On LTR-52246S 24X

Postby SkaarjMaster on Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:04 pm

What I might do is burn the same music on 3 separate CD-Rs (one in old computer on BenQ DVD burner, one in new computer on Pioneer 216D DVD burner, and one on the Lite-On burner) and see which one produces the best scans and then make my decision to move it over or not. The drive is old and doesn't get used at all anymore, so it would be nice to get some use out of it. Last time I did scans, I think it was ever-so-slightly better than the BenQ but not by much at all so I didn't move it then. I'll have to paint the bezel if I do though (I did this with my old Kenwood 72X five years ago).

Um, maybe the 52X should be changed to 24X in the title of this thread. I don't think I can do this though. OK, I guess I can (err at least if it sticks this time in the first post).......I also changed my sig.
MSI (unnamed laptop): GS75 Stealth 95F, Pioneer BDR-XD07B
SKAARJMASTERDUO: WinXPSP3,C2D E8600,Gigabyte EP45-UD3P,Pioneer DVR-216D,BenQ DW1655,Asus E818A3T.
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Re: Lite-On LTR-52246S 24x

Postby SkaarjMaster on Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:58 pm

WTF, I haven't done this yet? I'm still planning on it though. Hopefully, sometime before Halloween.:)
MSI (unnamed laptop): GS75 Stealth 95F, Pioneer BDR-XD07B
SKAARJMASTERDUO: WinXPSP3,C2D E8600,Gigabyte EP45-UD3P,Pioneer DVR-216D,BenQ DW1655,Asus E818A3T.
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Re: Lite-On LTR-52246S 24x

Postby SkaarjMaster on Sun Sep 12, 2010 11:18 pm

I now have 3 different CD-Rs containing music burned using the 3 different burners (I ripped the music from a factory CD to WAV files through EAC, then burned these WAV files as data to a CD-R disc that used to transfer the files to each computer for burning). I should be running quality tests on them soon in my BenQ 1655 burner or should I do these in my Lite-On DVD-ROM instead....I forgot how to do these. I guess I'll be using Nero CD-DVD drive speed and looking at my old results, it looks like I used AdvancedDiscQ and DiscQ. Does this sound right? Also, should I post the results here or should I post it in three separate threads in the Write Quality section? Thank you.
MSI (unnamed laptop): GS75 Stealth 95F, Pioneer BDR-XD07B
SKAARJMASTERDUO: WinXPSP3,C2D E8600,Gigabyte EP45-UD3P,Pioneer DVR-216D,BenQ DW1655,Asus E818A3T.
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Re: Lite-On LTR-52246S 24x

Postby Ian on Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:13 am

I'd use the BenQ. Lite-On's DVD-ROM drives were never real great at doing write quality testing. Go ahead and post them here.
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Re: Lite-On LTR-52246S 24x

Postby SkaarjMaster on Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:22 pm

Well, looks like the BenQ and Pioneer drives beat the Lite-On for C1 errors and jitter in the Disc Quality tests. The BenQ and Pioneer both come up as Class 2 in the Advanced Disc Quality tests whereas the Lite-On comes up as Class 3. Disc Quality score comes up as 98 for both the Lite-On and Pioneer and the BenQ comes up as 99. Doing the ScanDisc C1C2-PIPO tests (for each music track, 10 tracks total), the BenQ has the best quality at 98.7 (P-98.4, L-98.3) and best C1 value at 7.3 (P-8.8, L9.3); Pioneer has best jitter value at 8.21 (B-10.14, L-11.17). Also, all scored DAE 10 accurate stream on the benchmark and the lines were very smooth for all. I don't have a regular place to store files on a server, but I could post some of these detailed results if you want me to although no graphs. To me this tells me that the BenQ is probably the best burner of CD-Rs, but not by too much over the Pioneer and the Lite-On is past its prime. Also, it looks the Lite-On stays in the Win98SE machine and the move would not be worth it. What do you think?:)
MSI (unnamed laptop): GS75 Stealth 95F, Pioneer BDR-XD07B
SKAARJMASTERDUO: WinXPSP3,C2D E8600,Gigabyte EP45-UD3P,Pioneer DVR-216D,BenQ DW1655,Asus E818A3T.
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Re: Lite-On LTR-52327S 32x

Postby SkaarjMaster on Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:33 pm

The Lite-On mentioned above is the LTR-52246S, but I now have the results for my Mom's CD burner (the LTR-52327S) and they are rather interesting. Looks like it's slightly ahead of the other Lite-On and slightly behind the BenQ and Pioneer for C1 errors and jitter in the Disc Quality tests and it comes up as Class 2 in the Advanced Disc Quality tests with a Disc Quality score of 98. So, I guess it comes in 3rd place for both the Disc Quality and Advanced Disc Quality tests. Doing the ScanDisc C1C2-PIPO tests, the LTR-52327S has second best quality score tied with the Pioneer with 98.4 and second best C1 value of 8.4 with second best jitter value of 9.33. It also scored DAE 10 accurate stream just like the others with very smooth lines in the benchmark test. This seems to suggest that the LTR-52327S may possibly be just as good as the Pioneer in burning CD-Rs, but still not worth the snag and black painted bezel to move it to my present SkaarjMasterDuo and newest system. And, of course, the BenQ is still the best CD-R burner.......too bad I'll be using the Pioneer mostly; although, maybe I'll move the BenQ to my newest system and my Mom's LTR-52327S to the Dragonslayer system and get her a new DVD burner. Hmmmmmmmmm..........that's a thought.:)

EDIT: just to keep things on topic, I'll continue anything about the 52327S in the other recent 52327S thread.:) I'll be doing the two above moves very soon now that she has her new DVD burner.
MSI (unnamed laptop): GS75 Stealth 95F, Pioneer BDR-XD07B
SKAARJMASTERDUO: WinXPSP3,C2D E8600,Gigabyte EP45-UD3P,Pioneer DVR-216D,BenQ DW1655,Asus E818A3T.
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