Ian wrote:No, none of the LG drives support write quality testing. If you're looking for an affordable Mediatek-based BD writer, take a look at the Lite-On iHBS112. If you don't need BD writing capabilities, the BD combo drives from Lite-On and Samsung are reasonably priced too. That being said, I'm not really sure how accurate any of these drives are. There really hasn't been enough testing done to know if any of them produce semi-accurate results.
Thanks for the info. Will you be reviewing the iHBS112? I believe it came out not long ago.
My interest in doing quality test myself was piqued when I saw this
blu-ray media test report, which concluded that ALL the discs tested had subpar quality. Of course I don't believe everything I read. But one of the discs on that test was Verbatim blu-ray LTH disc ID VERBATIMw00, which happens to be what I started using a month ago. A month later, this past weekend, lo and behold, I found some of the discs burned a month ago had become occasionally unreadable. So I quickly bought another brand of HTL blu-ray discs (not tested in the above report) and hope to find a review for it, or do quality test myself, but then I found out my WH10LS30 couldn't do scanning.