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Fuji Ritek CDRs Made In Taiwan

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Fuji Ritek CDRs Made In Taiwan

Postby gm2015 on Sat Feb 13, 2010 2:22 am

For the last few years, I've been using TY Made in Japan CDRs (first Fuji, then SONY Walkman and now Maxell Music TYs). With the last pack of Maxell Music TYs that I bought at my local Rite Aid, I haven't gotten any C2 errors at all, but I noticed that I get about an avg. of about 2.50-3.00 C1 errors, where the maximum is sometimes in the 20's and in some cases, in the 30's. I recently bought a small number of of Fuji (made in Taiwan) Riteks, and in addition to getting no c2 errors, I get about 1/3 the number of C1 errors than I get with the Maxell TY's, and the maximum is less, usually around 15.

I've had no problems so far with Taiyo Yudens. None that I have heve ever detoriated over time, but it looks at though that I've gotten pretty good results from the few Fuji Riteks that I've burned. Does anyone know if these Fuji Riteks are any good? Will they last over time?
I've downloaded a lot of wma and mp3s over the last few years and I want to keep them on reliable CDRs.
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Re: Fuji Ritek CDRs Made In Taiwan

Postby Ian on Sat Feb 13, 2010 8:57 am

In my experience, the quality of Ritek discs can vary a lot. I'll get great results from one batch and then not so great in the next. It sounds like you've got a good batch there.

As far as longevity goes, they probably won't last as long as the TY discs. However, they're better than discs from say CMC. I've had some that deteriorated before I could even burn them.
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Re: Fuji Ritek CDRs Made In Taiwan

Postby gm2015 on Sat Feb 13, 2010 8:38 pm

I've gotten good results from TY discs. I've had a few coasters over the last five years, but not many. When I do have a problem, it's always when I first burn it. I haven't noticed a single disc deteriorate. I got what looks like good results from these Riteks, but as long as TY discs are available, I'll continue to use them.

Thanks Ian.
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