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I went from the 1960s to 2009 and I'm really lost

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I went from the 1960s to 2009 and I'm really lost

Postby cadjak on Fri Nov 27, 2009 7:41 pm

For a couple of years I have been walking thru all the stores and seeing the monster flat panel HDTVs. At first I thought, "what moron would spend $3500 for a TV?" Then the prices started coming down and they looked better. Last Monday, I pulled the trigger on a Sony V 5100 series that was bundled with a Sony S560, Blu-Ray player. I don't even have HDTV service where I live, and mostly have used my ancient Toshiba 19" CRT to watch HBO and Netflix DVDs and streamed Netflix from the internet. I know that I will need a to get Hi Def signal, from somewhere. I thought that the S560 was internet wireless enabled. I find out now that it only will do limited wireless functions and streaming Netflix ain't one of them. So, my question is, "what would you do?"

1. Wait and see if Sony does a firmware update to enable the S560 to work with streamed Netflix. (If thats possible)
2. Ebay the S560 and get either an LG BD390 or Playstation 3 slim, which both will handle Netflix (Opinions on those two choices would be most welcome.

I am pretty green at this tech business. I can use all the help and advice that I can get.
Thanks in advance
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Re: I went from the 1960s to 2009 and I'm really lost

Postby Ian on Fri Nov 27, 2009 10:57 pm

Yeah, I really don't think Netflix streaming is in the BDP-S560's future. It's too bad because it seems to be a decent player. If you wanted to hang onto it, you could pick up something like the Roku HD for Netflix streaming.

Otherwise, the LG BD390 and PS3 are good solutions. If you're not going to do much gaming though, the BD390 is probably the better choice. I'm a PS3 owner but I gotta admit that Blu-ray/DVD playback and network streaming is clunky at best. Not to mention, you need to pop in a special streaming disc if you want to do Netflix. The BD390 does it all... Netflix, CinemaNow, Youtube, Vudu, DLNA, etc. and its cheaper too.
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Re: I went from the 1960s to 2009 and I'm really lost

Postby SithTracy on Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:38 pm

I thought I'd never do it, but I picked up a LG BD-390. So far so good... started my trial to Netflix today, but too much kid stuff going on to try it out. Streamed some mkv files from my PC and did the YouTube stuff... worked great over my WiFi. Like it alot.
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Re: I went from the 1960s to 2009 and I'm really lost

Postby Ian on Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:42 pm

Hmm.. I might have to pick up a BD-390 for our upstairs TV.
"Blu-ray is just a bag of hurt." - Steve Jobs
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