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Pioneer DVR K06 MISSING in Windows 7


Pioneer DVR K06 MISSING in Windows 7

Postby PARACAPS on Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:10 am

Greetings everyone

I’ve been experiencing issues with my Pioneer K06 slim DVDRW drive that is connected to my HTPC. Being a slim laptop drive I have attached a sata adapter which is detected in the bios, and allows me to boot from the disc, but when booting into Windows 7 x86 & 64 the drive is missing and the boot time takes a long time.

I have tried all the tutorials in regards to missing DVD drive in Windows 7 but none of them seem to work. It takes a lot longer to load windows then usual boot time and if I insert a disc during the boot sequence before windows starts up it sometimes detects the drive and boots into windows a lot faster with the drive is detected.

Has anyone experienced the same problem and manage to find a solution to fix it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I have run out of options and have absolutely no idea.

Below are two snap shots of regedit and device manager
(DVD Detected)
http://item.slide.com/r/1/0/i/zFeUF9yL0 ... Gzuvrofy_/
(Not Detected)
http://item.slide.com/r/1/0/i/4CP8vfDKw ... QL4HuBmNW/

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Re: Pioneer DVR K06 MISSING in Windows 7

Postby Ian on Wed Nov 18, 2009 2:12 pm

That's very odd. Does it say anything in the event log?

The slow boot makes me think it may be a DMA issue, which is also effecting the hard drive.
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Re: Pioneer DVR K06 MISSING in Windows 7

Postby PARACAPS on Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:44 am

Hi Ian

Cheers for the feedback

It's odd and very annoying.
There dosn't seem to be any information in the event log.

What would be the best way to rectifiy a DMA issue ?

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Re: Pioneer DVR K06 MISSING in Windows 7

Postby PARACAPS on Fri Nov 20, 2009 7:12 am

I've tried re installing Windows 7 with my NEC DVDRW and it works fine. I then disconnected the drive and reconnected my Pioneer drive and the same problem has occurred.

Maybe the SATA adapter is not compatible with Windows 7.

Below is how the adapter looks

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Re: Pioneer DVR K06 MISSING in Windows 7

Postby Ian on Fri Nov 20, 2009 9:28 am

PARACAPS wrote:Maybe the SATA adapter is not compatible with Windows 7.

That was my thought as well. Any idea who makes the adapter?
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