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Plextor Japan Announces $200+ Premium2U CD-RW Drive

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Plextor Japan Announces $200+ Premium2U CD-RW Drive

Postby Ian on Tue May 12, 2009 1:30 pm

Will someone please tell me what the folks at Plextor Japan are smoking? The company announced this week that it will be releasing an external version of the Premium2 in June. While I really don't have an issue with them basing it on a 3+ year old drive design, the thing that shocks me is that they want more than $200 for it.

http://www.cdrlabs.com/News/plextor-jap ... drive.html

Plextor Japan announced this week that it will be releasing an external version of the PlexWriter Premium2 in early June. The Premium2U reads and writes at 52x, rewrites at 32x and sports an 8MB buffer. The drive also supports Yamaha's Audio Master Quality Recording system as well as many of Plextor's advanced technologies, including GigaRec, VariRec and Q-Check.
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Re: Plextor Japan Announces $200+ Premium2U CD-RW Drive

Postby SithTracy on Tue May 12, 2009 3:29 pm

I'd love one... just not at that price... I might pay as much as $75 for it. No way I will pay $200+ for it, but there will be fools that will.
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Re: Plextor Japan Announces $200+ Premium2U CD-RW Drive

Postby Ian on Tue May 12, 2009 6:55 pm

I'm guessing that after 3 years, they still have a warehouse full of the internals. To break even, they have to charge an arm and a leg for the externals.
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