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Damn its cold!

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Damn its cold!

Postby Ian on Sun Dec 21, 2008 4:01 pm

I'm a Wisconsin native, so cold weather doesn't usually bother me. Today though, its like -8 F out there with a wind chill of -30 F. I'm looking forward to tomorrow when it will be a balmy 7 out there.
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Re: Damn its cold!

Postby SithTracy on Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:54 pm

I concur... I was out for a brief period this AM to use the snow thrower to clear some of the drifts from the drive... short lived... it's covered again as of this evening and I'll be damned if I go back out there tonight. I'll get it in the AM. My eyes teared up in that cold and froze my eyes open... damn!!! That is cold!!! Stayed indoors all day today and played the Wii with the kids and watched football and movies.
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Re: Damn its cold!

Postby Ian on Mon Dec 22, 2008 1:17 am

Yeah, after digging a path through the drifts, my wife dragged me and the kids out shopping.
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Re: Damn its cold!

Postby Ian on Sat Dec 27, 2008 3:22 pm

Stupid Wisconsin weather. Now its 45 and raining. I guess I should be somewhat happy. I was running out of places to put the snow.
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Re: Damn its cold!

Postby SithTracy on Sat Dec 27, 2008 5:43 pm

Just a couple hour drive south of where you are and it is almost 60 degrees here... and I found a place for my snow... In my damn basement!!! All the melting and rain made for indoor swimming at the Sith's place. This is one messed up winter... In this weather, no idea how they will play the winter classic at Wrigley Field... the Chicago Blackhawks vs. the Detroit Red Wings... Perhaps in Kayaks with their sticks as paddles!!!
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Re: Damn its cold!

Postby Dartman on Sun Dec 28, 2008 3:38 am

I think we all got the same weather. Here in Portland on the West coast we got 16 inches of snow over the last week and it was as low as 17 in the early morning. The drifts were over 2 feet high or deeper in spots and the temp mostly stayed in the low 20's with 20 mph winds.
Been off work for two weeks because of it and got signed up for unemployment to carry me over till we can do cement work again.
Today it was 47 and raining on top of all that snow and the streets and most of the low areas and roofs are cleared away, still some drifts and shaded spots that will take a bit longer to melt.
This is worse then the big snow of 68/69 when I was like 10 years old, so a 40 year storm, and they say the 4th worst snow on record here. I do remember the 68 storm and this was about like it but much less ice afterwords luckily.
All my cars were snowed in and buried so we just sat here and watched it come down. For Xmas my step dad and mom had to come get us in his mini blazer, then they let me take it home so we could get out the next day.
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Re: Damn its cold!

Postby Ian on Thu Jan 15, 2009 3:27 pm

My car said it was -16 this morning when I left for work. Yes, negative 16. So much for global warming.
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Re: Damn its cold!

Postby Dartman on Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:21 pm

Well Global warming is still being debated anyways, most say it's happening, some say it's not, but the earth has always gone through big climate cycles.
Today it was 30 in the morning with a hard frost and probably about 50 during the later part of the day. Been completely dry most of this week, fog in the mornings, nice in the afternoon.
Great working weather for those of us outside with a few extra layers for early. I think we'll probably get some more snow here before winter winds down but we'll see, a 40 year storm was pretty impressive and I have a heating bill to prove it.
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