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Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software


Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Ian on Tue Nov 25, 2008 11:16 pm

While Plextor's 20x (PX-806SA & PX-Q840U) and 22x (PX-850SA & PX-850A) have not started to ship, their new PlexUTILITIES software is available for download. The link below includes information on its capabilities as well as some screenshots.

Plexutilities Basic Info.jpg
Plexutilities Basic Info.jpg (64.24 KiB) Viewed 27547 times

http://www.plextor.com/english/products ... ities.html
http://www.plextor.com/english/support/ ... p1.1.3.zip

Here's some info On PlexUTILITIES:

PlexUTILITIES gives you extra support for your Plextor hardware allowing you to view basic and advance drive information, control specific drive functions to customize drive operations, and includes a powerful utility tool which allows for a safe, secure and easy way to destroy data on CD/DVD media.

Basic information

Drive Information
* Disc type supported by the drive
* Protection system supported by the drive

Disc Information
* Disc type, Disc MID, Media Manufacturer
* Capacity related information
* Write/Read speed performance information

System Storage Controller Information
* Device tree and controller information (IA Storage Features included)

Additional Information

IOP Measurement
* Measure the decay percentage of laser diode of the drive
* CD, DVD, BD are all supported

Engineering Specifications
* Data buffer size and burst rate
* Sustained data transfer rate
* Spin speed
* Start/Stop time
* Spin up/down time
* Random access time
* 1/3 stroke access time
* Full stroke access time

Power Control

Built-in Self Test
* Trigger the drive to perform built-in self test
* Easy, quick and reliable

Audio Settings/ Power Condition
* Set attention level for audio output
* Change standby/idle timing to save more power

* All data in the disc will be destroyed for safely and securely

Disc Quality

BLER Measurement
* Measure the block error rate for burned disc
* CD : C1/C2

JITTER Measurement
* Measure the jitter level for burned disc

TE/FE Measurement
* Measure the radial noise (tracking error and focusing error) of the disc
* Usually for new blank disc

Online Update

Firmware Upgrade
* Check the latest firmware revision of the drive
* Upgrade drive firmware without reboot needed

PlexUtilities Upgrade
* Check the latest version of PlexUtilities
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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Ian on Tue Nov 25, 2008 11:50 pm

It looks like you can install the software if you have a Plextor drive installed (I used a PX-716A) but it won't run unless you have a certain model.

The manual is also pretty vague about the writing quality results. There is no indicator of how good/bad the writing quality is nor does it look like you can adjust things like the speed or scanning interval.
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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Ian on Sat Dec 06, 2008 4:02 pm

Okay I was wrong about not being able to adjust the speed or scanning interval (PI Sum). You can set both from the BLER testing screen.

I did a quick comparison, testing the same disc with KProbe and PlexUtilities. The PI rates seem to be about the same but PIF is twice as high with PlexUtilities.

Plextor PX-840Q PlexUtilities.PNG
Plextor PX-840Q PlexUtilities.PNG (20.6 KiB) Viewed 26780 times

Plextor PX-840Q KProbe.PNG
Plextor PX-840Q KProbe.PNG (11.19 KiB) Viewed 26754 times
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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Morpheus on Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:34 pm

What's the difference between this and the PlexTools? On my previous hard drive I had one of the last PlexTools Professional (version 2.32, the very last version 2.35 was never available for download) installed. Plextor then switched over to their PlexTool Professional XL (you have to buy) and their PlexTool Professional LE (free version). There's only one version of that V3.13 - sounds like the same software line v2.35 -> v3.13. I have been meaning to install the LE v3.13, but I have never gotten around to it. Now they have this new software, PlexUtilities, does this replace the PlexTool Professinal software? (BTW, I have the PX-708A and I have purchased the PX-755SA, but it's not installed - no SATA, it's for my next build).
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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Ian on Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:12 pm

Morpheus wrote:What's the difference between this and the PlexTools?

PlexUTILITIES works with the new Lite-On manufactured drives.
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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Morpheus on Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:15 pm

Ian wrote:
Morpheus wrote:What's the difference between this and the PlexTools?

PlexUTILITIES works with the new Lite-On manufactured drives.

Thanks Ian. I'll install PlexTool Professional LE v3.13 soon.
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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Ian on Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:42 pm

A new version of PlexUtilities is available. Like their firmware updates, this one only seems to be available via Plexutilities update feature.

http://www.cdrlabs.com/downloads/PlexUt ... .1.7.0.exe

If you're going to post this elsewhere, do not link directly to the file. If this happens, I will take it down.
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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby ala42 on Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:12 pm

You find PlexUtilities at http://www.plextor.com.cn/plexutilities.asp
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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Ian on Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:13 pm

Thanks ala42!
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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Ian on Fri May 15, 2009 3:38 pm

Version 1.1.8 is on Plextor America's website now too.

http://www.plextoramericas.com/Download ... p1.1.8.zip
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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Ian on Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:46 am

It's good to see that Plextor/PLDS took my suggestions:

PlexUtilities v 1.20

Added: Booktype options
Added: Auto Write Strategy options
Added: Overspeed options
Added: Downspeed options
Added: Clear OPC options

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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Ian on Thu Aug 13, 2009 11:19 am

PlexUTILITIES 1.2.3 has been released.

http://www.plextoramericas.com/index.ph ... oad&cid=95 (requires login... arrgh.. Plextor...)

1. Fixed the AWS database bug
2. Added a warning message to the PlexSPEED feature when accessing the User Mode. "Under User mode, any custom setting will be lost if the drive tray is ejected."
3. Fixed Blu-ray disc info bug
4. Fixed Transfer Rate Test bug
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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Ian on Fri Nov 13, 2009 8:42 pm

PlexUTILITIES 1.2.5 is out.

http://www.plexutilities.com/soft/PlexU ... v1.2.5.zip

1. Add parameters of FW Update.
2. Remove the AWS page
3. Modify the UI of Power Condition Setting.
4. Change the position of PlexERASE icon.
5. Replace "--" by "Unknown" or "No Support"
6. Add BD-R DL and BD-RE DL in Drive Information
7. Force SPINUP/SPINDOWN/TRAYIN/TRAYOUT to show a only result.
8. Fix the bug in Win7 32bits and 64bits.
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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Ian on Sun Nov 29, 2009 12:16 am

PlexUTILITIES 1.2.6 is out.


1. Fixed the bug of sus in Engineering Spec. (2-1)
2. Fixed the error of BD capacity. (1-2)
3. Fixed the bug of the fields of formatted and formatted capacity. (1-2)
4. Fixed the bug that test stops before the end line in CD Transfer Rate test. (2-3)
5. Add new function of saving *.csv (only Bler /Jitter /TeFe /Transfer Rate).
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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Ian on Tue Dec 22, 2009 12:40 am


1. 1-2 Changed the judgement of Formatted.
3. 2-1 Item 1,2,7,8,9,10 only show a value (Maximum). (DATA BUFFER SIZE, BURST RATE, SPINUP TIME, SPINDOWN TIME, TRAYOUT TIME, TRAYIN TIME)
4. 2-2 Removed the IOP measurement for BD combo drives.
5. 2-2 Added a note of IOP.
6. 2-3 Fixed the bug of speed in Transfer rate measurement.
7. 2-3 Added a field of Maximum speed.
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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Ian on Thu Feb 11, 2010 7:28 pm

PlexUTILITIES 1.2.8 has been released. If I don't see it on Plextor's website in the next day or so I'll post it.
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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Ian on Thu Feb 11, 2010 7:30 pm

Hmm.. it looks like the new version supports Chinese. That's about it.
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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Ian on Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:56 pm

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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Ian on Wed Dec 01, 2010 2:23 am

PlexUTILITIES 1.3.0 has been released


1. Fixed the bug of BD Write Transfer Rate test
2. Supported the function of scanning BD disc in PlexSCAN.
3. Fixed the bug of rough curve of Read TxRate test.
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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Ian on Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:26 pm

PlexUTILITIES 1.3.1 has been released. If Plextor doesn't put it online I'll upload it in the next day or so.

1. Removed 0xF5 command from BD/Bler test.
2. Add a Spec. value in Jitter chart.
3. Add a new server for Online Update.
4. Modified some messages of PlexSCAN function.
5. Modified the chart settings in Bler/Jitter/TE/FE chart.
6. Fixed the bug of 0x0*6000~0x0*61FFF of Jitter test.
7. Used Write12 command for DVD-RAM in TE/FE test.
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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Ian on Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:16 pm

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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Morpheus on Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:26 pm

I had to re-install my OS. I just went to Plextor to download the lastest version of PlexTools Professional LE, and found that they discontinued it. It's just PlexUtilities now. Does this work with Plextor made drives (I have the PX708)? If not, I can use PlexTools Professional LE V3.13 (the only version I have) - I don't know what the last version of that was.
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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Ian on Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:04 pm

Morpheus wrote:Does this work with Plextor made drives (I have the PX708)?

No, it only works with the Lite-On based drives. Not the old, Plextor made ones.
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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Morpheus on Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:32 pm

I did a search, and found out that PlexTools Professional line last version is 3.16. There was a link to Plextor's site to download it. It was the XL version - I guess since it was being discontinued , Plextor was offering the XL version for free.
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Re: Plextor Releases PlexUTILITIES Software

Postby Ian on Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:21 am

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