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is it possible to record a video playing from the internet?

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is it possible to record a video playing from the internet?

Postby ash-lee on Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:21 pm

ive just started a home learning course with Computeach to learn about computers...now, they provide a website for the students with a skillsoft course player for us to study and interact with. To do this i must have regular access to the internet to sign in on the site and access the player through the site but im relying on other peoples wireless signals which is not guna last. ideally, i wana be able to record the skillsoft course from the player window and save it as a video. I can study it by watching the recorded video at home at my leasure without the worry of accessing the web then...is it possible? ive seen tutorials on different things online and on subject courses you can buy...how do they do it? What software do they use?

Can any1 answer this?

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Re: is it possible to record a video playing from the internet?

Postby Ian on Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:47 pm

RealPlayer (www.real.com) used to be able to do this. Any idea what format the Computeach videos are in?
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