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Presidential Poll - Who are you voting for?

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Who do you plan to vote for in the 2008 presidential election?

Barack Obama and Joe Biden
John McCain and Sarah Palin
Third party or independent candidates
I'm not going to vote
Total votes : 16

Presidential Poll - Who are you voting for?

Postby Ian on Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:41 pm

I usually try to stay away from politics, but I'm curious to see who people are going to vote for in the upcoming election.

Feel free to share your thoughts on the candidates. Keep it civil though.
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Re: Presidential Poll - Who are you voting for?

Postby SithTracy on Mon Oct 20, 2008 8:24 am

I wish Ron Paul had a snowballs chance, but he does not. It's a two party country. We need more choices.
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Re: Presidential Poll - Who are you voting for?

Postby Wesociety on Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:15 pm

Undecided: I'll probably vote for Obama or Bob Barr (The Libertarian candidate)
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Re: Presidential Poll - Who are you voting for?

Postby Kremzeek on Tue Oct 21, 2008 2:25 pm

It's come to a point where I'm not voting for the candidate I like the most but rather the one I hate the least. Look who we have here.. an inexperienced Democrat with supposed ties to terrorists or an old guy who probably isn't any better than Bush. Don't even get me started on that retard Palin. How she ever became governor is beyond me. Then again, if she's an example of how smart Alaskans are, it would explain a lot.
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Re: Presidential Poll - Who are you voting for?

Postby Wesociety on Wed Oct 22, 2008 12:00 am

I'm with you on that... looking at the lesser of 2 evils, although both look pretty damn evil to me.
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Re: Presidential Poll - Who are you voting for?

Postby Ian on Thu Oct 23, 2008 2:31 pm

Anyone else getting bombarded with anti-Obama mailings and phone calls? A day doesn't go by where I don't get a phone call or something in the mail that says Obama is a terrorist.
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Re: Presidential Poll - Who are you voting for?

Postby SithTracy on Thu Oct 23, 2008 7:27 pm

Ian wrote:Anyone else getting bombarded with anti-Obama mailings and phone calls?

Yep... but I'm in WI too... Have not checked the polls in a while, but I think in WI, Obama is still ahead. Not at all impressed with McCain's tactics.
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Re: Presidential Poll - Who are you voting for?

Postby Ian on Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:47 pm

SithTracy wrote: Not at all impressed with McCain's tactics.

The Republicans pulled the same crap in the last election with Kerry, calling him a flip-flopper. It worked, but I don't think anyone actually remembers what he flip flopped on.
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Re: Presidential Poll - Who are you voting for?

Postby Dartman on Thu Oct 23, 2008 10:49 pm

Well if Bush woulda flip flopped a few times maybe he would have realized he made a few mistakes after getting better info. There's nothing wrong with changing ones mind after getting different facts that disprove your original opinion.
I'm voting for Obama, at least he seems to have an original idea or 2, we can't take four more years of business as usual.
It seems that the news folks have finally discovered their fact checkers and aren't letting anyone write blanks checks again, too bad they didn't do that a while ago...
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Re: Presidential Poll - Who are you voting for?

Postby SithTracy on Fri Oct 24, 2008 9:14 am

Ian wrote:It worked, but I don't think anyone actually remembers what he flip flopped on.

A good portion of American voters are uninformed and easily manipulated by the media and shady campaign ads. I'm hoping that will be different this time around and I'm hoping the damage done in eight years by the Bush administration does not hinder our next president... though I am afraid it will. And I don't think our economic downfall has hit rock bottom yet. Sadly, I fear, the eve of the next great depression is upon us.
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Re: Presidential Poll - Who are you voting for?

Postby LoneWolf on Sun Oct 26, 2008 9:04 pm

SithTracy wrote:I wish Ron Paul had a snowballs chance, but he does not. It's a two party country. We need more choices.

I couldn't agree more. Voted for him in the primaries, and donated to his campaign, the first candidate I've ever given money to.

If McCain was the McCain of 2000, he'd have my vote. Sadly, I think he's sold out who he is to get where he is; I think he's lost his way. Palin looked like a great veep choice for one week; then it turned out she was poorly vetted, and a choice not based on long-term wisdom, but only on trying to swing votes. I don't especially care for Biden as a VP either, seeing as if you're running a "campaign for change", having one of the old guard is completely contradictory to those words. I'd have preferred Governor Richardson of New Mexico, or one of Ian's senators, Russ Feingold of Wisconsin (unlikely to ever happen, but a worthy choice nonetheless).

Once again I'll vote for the lesser of two evils, IMO. I don't think either candidate is an ideal choice.

P.S. To me, the following is what makes a good candidate:

-A candidate who understands upholding the U.S. Constitution, and if he/she disagrees, goes through the proper channels and proposes an amendment
-A candidate who listens to and respects the will of the people(the current Presiden'ts second-biggest problem, the above being the first one)
-A candidate who has ethical and moral standards (which explains why I wouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton as dogcatcher, let alone President, although Rule #2 is an issue for her as well)
-A candidate who understands that bipartisan politics is required if we wish our nation's problems to be solved, and gets that none of us are served by slinging mud as opposed to solving problems
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Re: Presidential Poll - Who are you voting for?

Postby stix on Mon Oct 27, 2008 3:25 am

[quote="Kremzeek"].. an inexperienced Democrat with supposed ties to terrorists...[/quote

Spoken like a true McSmear campaigner.
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Re: Presidential Poll - Who are you voting for?

Postby eliminator on Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:09 pm

.. see the animation and wild guess it... :D


Ian ol' friend, I have no idea who you gonna vote for.. but I'm pretty sure it won't be McGrumpy & "I can see Russia from my window" lady ... :-^
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Re: Presidential Poll - Who are you voting for?

Postby Ian on Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:47 pm

eliminator wrote:Ian ol' friend, I have no idea who you gonna vote for.. but I'm pretty sure it won't be McGrumpy & "I can see Russia from my window" lady ... :-^

lol.. I'm going to catch hell from my parents and inlaws, but I'm going to vote for Obama.

If Obama's supposed terrorist connections werent enough, my mom told me the other day that he is the anti-Christ. :-k
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Re: Presidential Poll - Who are you voting for?

Postby eliminator on Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:14 pm

=D> ...I can fix you a cheap room in Austin...:-({|= :lol:
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Re: Presidential Poll - Who are you voting for?

Postby Wesociety on Sun Nov 02, 2008 3:41 pm

I will be voting for Bob Barr.
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Re: Presidential Poll - Who are you voting for?

Postby SithTracy on Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:14 pm

Cast my vote at 7:25AM... Got to the polls about 20 minutes before they opened and waited in line... Pretty surprised at the early AM turnout in my rural area. Working from home today and still getting bombarded with republican party calls.... Still, my gut tells me that this could be a pretty close race. In my life, no one I ever voted for won the election... hope this is a first.
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Re: Presidential Poll - Who are you voting for?

Postby Ian on Tue Nov 04, 2008 7:52 pm

I was in and out in about 2 minutes this morning. They had tons of volunteers so things were running smoothly.
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Re: Presidential Poll - Who are you voting for?

Postby Wesociety on Tue Nov 04, 2008 8:39 pm

There were maybe 2 people at my polling place around lunch time when I dropped off my early voting ballot. Not that it mattered to me, as I wouldn't have had to wait in line either way. My girlfriend went there early this morning and had to wait for about 30 minutes due to a line.
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Re: Presidential Poll - Who are you voting for?

Postby Dartman on Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:39 am

I voted by mail 2 weeks ago. :-$
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Re: Presidential Poll - Who are you voting for?

Postby LoneWolf on Wed Nov 05, 2008 11:37 am

I left work slightly early so my wife and I could get there before others. Got there about 4:30 and was out in less than fifteen minutes.

First time I've ever voted Democrat for president (though if I could do it over again, I'd have voted for Gore in 2000; not that it'd have mattered, he won Michigan anyway).
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