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LG GH22 and DL media


LG GH22 and DL media

Postby Matrix3 on Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:59 am

I just bought this model and everything works fine except for DL media. I suspect either firmware or media to be culprit. When I try to burn Verbatim 2.4X DL media maximum speed is set to only 4X max. With my previous NEC 7191A it was only 2.4X. When I use the same media in Asus 1814BL it shows 8X!?

Should I dump entire batch of Verbatim DLs or is it firmware? I had latest 1.05 for NEC drive and there is only 1.0 for LG available.

I'm aware that LG drive can write up to 16X DLs but where can I buy these?
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Re: LG GH22 and DL media

Postby Ian on Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:39 am

A lot of drives used to be able to write to Verbatim's 2.4x DL media at 8x. For some reason, this stopped when their 8x DL media was introduced. I have a feeling its a conspiracy, but that's a story for another day...

Ritek and Ricoh have 16x DL media in mass production. Unfortunately, I have yet to see any of it for sale in the US. I was able to get some discs from Ritek's European subsidiary (Traxdata) so I'm guessing its available over there. The results weren't that great anyway so you're probably better off waiting until Verbatim gets their own 16x DL media rolling.

I've had some pretty good results with Memorex's (Ritek) and Verbatim's 8x DL media on the GH22. The drive will write to the Verbatim's at 12x too. Don't use CMC manufactured discs though. I tried some Philips and they failed at 8x.
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Re: LG GH22 and DL media

Postby Matrix3 on Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:45 pm

My Verbatim is labeled as 2.4X up to 6X speed so I guess I'm out of luck. Thanks for good news regarding Verbatim 8X DL media because I found them available online.
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