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Anyone check out Get Smart?

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Anyone check out Get Smart?

Postby SithTracy on Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:04 am

... or was I the only one. Went last night and loved it. Alan Arkin was a great chief. I really enjoyed the script/story. I don't want to say too much to spoil it. But when you consider expectations in a film this summer, it lived up where Indiana Jones did not.

I only recall one cameo from the original cast when Bernie Kopell (original Siegfried) almost ran over Maxwell. I guess they could not coax Barbara Feldon (Agent 99) to play a small role.

It's PG-13, but I took my 9 year old daughter with me... the adult humor was over her head but she laughed along because of other distractions in the scene were funny. No, it doesn't pick up where the show left off (for any of you, who like me, watched Get Smart on afternoons when you got home from School), but it kinda re-invents itself for new viewers. It should beat the pants off the "Love Guru".
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Re: Anyone check out Get Smart?

Postby Ian on Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:14 am

I'll probably see it when its out on video. I was never a big fan of the old show and I'm probably the only person in the world that doesn't think that Steve Carell is really that funny.

I did go see Kung Fu Panda with my oldest son last night. We both really enjoyed it.
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Re: Anyone check out Get Smart?

Postby dolphinius_rex on Mon Jun 23, 2008 7:39 pm

I saw it opening night, it was REALLY enjoyable. I was so pleasantly surprised by how the small changes here and there actually lent themselves to the overall feel of the movie, rather than make it jarringly different.

In my opinion, this is the kind of re-make Transformers deserved and didn't get. I really hope they make a sequel to this, I can't wait to see how things go with the character they introduce at the end of the movie XD
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Re: Anyone check out Get Smart?

Postby aviationwiz on Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:58 am

I saw this movie at midnight on the Friday it was released, and it was ABSOLUTELY ******* AMAZING! Absolutely loved it.
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Re: Anyone check out Get Smart?

Postby Morpheus on Mon Jun 30, 2008 6:45 pm

I saw Get Smart last week - I thought it was "ok". I grew up watching the original Get Smart series and they changed the whole tone. The original series was a comedy, the movie was a serious movie with some comedy parts to it. They also got rid of the Max's good luck/bad luck ability (the same one that Inspector Clouseau has in the Pink Panther movies). Basically Maxwell Smart is abit of a bumbling idiot but because of his 'good luck' survives everyting while he gives the bad guys 'bad luck' which causes them to get hurt/killed/caught. This really changes the whole tone. I found Steve Carell to be flat - throughout the whole movie, he was pretty much unemotional and monotone - I laughed a couple of times, but I didn't think he was all that funny. I really liked Alan Arkin as the chief, and Ann Hathway wasn't bad as 99 - although I hated that they reversed the relationship. In the series, 99 liked Maxwell Smart - she was dropping hints, etc, but he was clueless at first. It took him awhile to realize that he liked her too, at which point they both admitted it to each other and they started to date. The Rock - Agent 23 - was kind of annoying, and I figured out that "surprise" earlier. A couple of other agents from the tv series were there (the Bill Murrey character/scene, as one reviewer described as "painfully unfunny" - and I agreed). I did like how they showed the shoe phone and the Max's red sports car in the Control Museum, however the shoe phone was used only once, as was the red sports car - which lasted about 30 seconds - they could have used both alot more in the movie. Finally, they only used 2 of Max's catch phrases and the rest were never used.

In the end, I found the movie to be "ok". Had they gone back to the original series and did a movie exactly like that - then it would have been excellent.
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