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Photo CD Problem

Postby audiodrome on Mon May 12, 2008 4:32 pm

My parents have a DVD player that can "play" data CDRs, so I made them a Photo CD with roughly 500 jpegs of family photos. I didn't arrange the pictures in folders; I just "dragged and dropped" them all into the Nero Data Compilation Window at the root of the CDR.

I put the CDR into the player and a menu came up showing the pictures by name. I hit "play" and the CDR proceeded to play as a slide show - so far, so good. At picture #298, the slide show stopped. I went back to the menu and I saw that the menu only went up to picture #298. I tried clicking on the play mode, but I couldn't find any way to access the remaining 200 pictures. When I put the CDR back in my computer, all 500 of the pictures were there. Is it possible that this DVD player can only play 300 pictures per folder? Do I need to rearrange these pictures in folders and smaller groups?
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Postby CowboySlim on Mon May 12, 2008 8:03 pm

I've never had that many jpegs on a DVD without several folders, so can't be sure. But putting them in folders is an obvious thing to try.
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Photo CD

Postby gb1261 on Mon May 12, 2008 11:44 pm

=D> Cowboy Slim Has the answer. I have Burned a couple of dozen CDs and have always placed the pics in different folders. It makes it easier to find your favs come time to print them!
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Postby audiodrome on Wed May 14, 2008 9:28 am

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