We protect your account with one of the highest levels of online security available.
Now, add an extra layer of security when you log in with the PayPal Security Key. It’s easy, secure, and portable – so you can access your account from just about anywhere.
What is it?
It’s a device that generates a temporary 6-digit security code every 30 seconds. Use it every time you log in for added security. Watch the demo
How do I get started?
1. Order your PayPal Security Key – it will be shipped to you by USPS.
2. Activate it by logging in to your PayPal or eBay account.
3. When prompted, enter the code on your security key.
See other FAQs »
How much does it cost?
The PayPal Security Key is available for a special nonrefundable fee of $5 USD (including shipping and handling). There are no monthly service fees or hidden costs. You can order replacements for the same fee. Order your security key
Pretty cool that Paypal is offering this feature to customers. I'd like to have one of these for my real online bank account.
On the other hand, I already have a SecurID for work, so I'm sure I wouldn't like to be carrying around multiple hardware tokens on my keychain... I guess I could always leave the banking one at home.