hello all,
I just got a new computer that came preloaded with Vista. I had been using burnatonce happily on my XP machine. When I installed burnatonce, a window came up saying that it may not have installed correctly and asked it I wanted to install it with the recommended settings. I chose yes. I can load everything into burnatonce just fine, but when I go to actually burn a CD, I get this error message:
Starting write at speed 16...
Turning BURN-Proof on
Executing power calibration...
Power calibration successful.
ERROR: Drive does not accept any cue sheet variant - please report.
ERROR: Writing failed.
Can someone tell me if this is an incompatibility between burnatonce and Vista or burnatonce and my drive. I have a Lite-On DH20A4P. I've done quite a bit of searching for help using burnatonce in Vista, but it seems that most people have moved on to other programs (mostly IMGBURN) since burnatonce seems to be finished. Thanks in advance.