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DVD Burner help


DVD Burner help

Postby KenBee on Sun Mar 09, 2008 1:25 pm

I am new here and have a few questions about DVD Burners.

I am in the process of rebuilding my older computer, but I am about 2 steps away from the poorhouse so I am going at it very slow.

I am going to buy a new monitor and DVD Burner this month and the rest (MB, CPU, RAM, PS) next month.

1. My present MB doesn't have a SATA connection so if I buy a Burner with SATA is there a way to make it work? Such as an external enclosure with SATA connections and USB hookups? I have looked at external enclosures, but I am confused as to what will work with a burner so any links or model names/numbers would be appreciated.

2. Actually is there a noticeable performance difference between SATA or IDE?

3. Will all burners playback DVD's recorded on a standalone Panasonic VHS/DVD recorder and/or retail DVD's? I have used only Maxell, Memorex and Verbatim 8X for my DVD recordings.

4. Unlike most people I am not bothered by noise or slow burning speed so I would like a few recommendations of stable, trouble free burners in the $30.00 to $50.00 range.

That about covers my major questions, but if anybody has further input please do so.

Thanks so much for all help and info given,

Ken B.
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Re: DVD Burner help

Postby Ian on Sun Mar 09, 2008 6:10 pm

KenBee wrote:1. My present MB doesn't have a SATA connection so if I buy a Burner with SATA is there a way to make it work? Such as an external enclosure with SATA connections and USB hookups? I have looked at external enclosures, but I am confused as to what will work with a burner so any links or model names/numbers would be appreciated.

They have them for SATA hard drives so it would make sense that they would have them for optical drives as well. Check places like Newegg. If they don't have it, they probably don't make it.

2. Actually is there a noticeable performance difference between SATA or IDE?

There is little to no difference. If anything, you may see lower CPU usage.

3. Will all burners playback DVD's recorded on a standalone Panasonic VHS/DVD recorder and/or retail DVD's? I have used only Maxell, Memorex and Verbatim 8X for my DVD recordings.

Retail discs shouldn't be a problem at all. Playback of DVD's burned by a standalone recorder, will probably depend on the software. A lot of them support formats like DVD+VR or DVD-VR but the discs can usually be made compatible so they'll play anywhere.

4. Unlike most people I am not bothered by noise or slow burning speed so I would like a few recommendations of stable, trouble free burners in the $30.00 to $50.00 range.

Last month's poll is probably a good place to start: http://www.cdrlabs.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=24117
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