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recording the soundtrack from a videro tape

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recording the soundtrack from a videro tape

Postby coonsanders on Sun Feb 24, 2008 9:49 am

hi gang

i want to record the soundtrack from a video tape into my computer and
then burn the soundtrack onto a cd.whats the hook up 4 this again?do i use my reciever or connect the vcr right into the line in on the back of my com-

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Postby Scour on Sun Feb 24, 2008 7:41 pm

U maybe have to get a Cinch/3,5mm-Adapter and connect the line out on ur video-recorder to the line in from PC

With software like Audiograbber u can record it
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Postby evilboy on Tue Feb 26, 2008 11:42 am

Scour wrote:With software like Audiograbber u can record it
It is possible with all recording software; make sure to select "Stereo Mix" (or loopback device) as recording source.
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Re: recording the soundtrack from a videro tape

Postby Jozaites on Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:09 am

You are right evilboy but what about quality.
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Re: recording the soundtrack from a videro tape

Postby Jozaites on Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:19 am

You are right evilboy but what about quality.
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Re: recording the soundtrack from a videro tape

Postby Dartman on Tue Dec 23, 2008 1:58 pm

If your using a Hi Fi tape and recorder it should be as good as the original source, cd quality. Most vcr's now a days are hi fi, so are movies.
If your using a really old tape sound quality depends on the speed it was recorded at faster is better just like audio tapes. If it's that old it's also probably mono, though they did have a few stereo/dolby decks just before hi fi ones came out.
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