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New York Times weighs in on format war

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New York Times weighs in on format war

Postby dolphinius_rex on Thu Jan 31, 2008 1:53 pm

I found this article interesting:

http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/31/techn ... ref=slogin

One line that stands out to me is the following:

Callous as this may sound, the world would be a lot better off if HD DVD would just go ahead and die; the lingering format war is keeping the whole new world of high-def movies on DVD from blossoming.
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Postby Grain on Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:22 pm

Yes, that's very callous :wink: Why doesn't the NY Times crawl in a corner and die, they are keeping good news from the NY Post :lol:
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Postby Jim on Sat Feb 02, 2008 5:32 am

I personally don't think it's HD-DVD holding adoption back. I think the people who believe the majority are happy with the DVD players are probably right. Instead of killing off one format to see if that's why adoption is so slow, I'd rather see dual format players. If dual format players were available and people still weren't buying then I think people are just happy with DVD. Do you think Sony is going to feel pressure to drop their Bluray hardware prices once Toshiba is gone?
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Postby Ian on Sat Feb 02, 2008 8:38 am

Jim wrote:Do you think Sony is going to feel pressure to drop their Bluray hardware prices once Toshiba is gone?

Nope. But they haven't really haven't dropped the prices much as it is.
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Postby jacktheripper on Sat Feb 02, 2008 11:49 am

I still can't wrap my head around why this format war continues to go on when it just costs more money to split the difference between the producers on who their going to go with and then those who have a specific player type will only see those.

I know alot of people that are buying Hi-Def without actually realizing what this format war is all about and then they go to the store with their $15,000 worth of equipment waiting to be loaded and they can't watch the movie they wanted because they ended up with HD over Blu.

Sure if there was dual format players, but honestly what is the huge advantage to having two types of formats when their both the same size on the same physical disc size and they both play movies. Alienation I say...
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