I've as of late become a cd-geek of sorts on the start of a new biz idea. Its mainly restoration of old media to new media and without much research (yes mistake) I jumped on Lighscribe as the main feature for my disc options for the customers. Since I want their stuff to sound and look for for a while...I want to make sure I'm taking the right road.
Now I've looked into the data of the MBI discs that are made (since all Lightscribe discs are MBI made if I'm not mistaken) they sit at a 16-20 max on C1 with 0 C2's and an average of .28 C1's. Which I don't think is all that bad and I understand that the PlethCyanine (ya..bad spelling) is a longer lifer then plain ol' cyanine. I dont have any LS/DVD's to test for their PI/PO's but the C1/C2's looked fairly well...certainly not TY but decent.
Now the big thing here is...did I take a detour and should I have moved with Inkjet/TY's over LS/MBI? I love the look of LS and its got such a 'professional' feel every time you print one off as opposed to alot of Inkjet printed stuff you see advertised with is not exactly well done. I suppose I could change that and make all inkjet pro-look but
On the topic, I'm thinking that Maxell BQ is the best archive option trumping way over MAM-A/E gold and Verbatim Ultralife.