This is my second LiteOn LH-20A1P drive that I got as a replacement for the first one that had strange problem with reading and writing DVD media.
The second drive started making the same problems immdiately after using LtnRPC utility to set the drive to RPC1 .
I've posted my problem at cdfreaks but nobody there ever experienced such problems and I registered here to seek another help specially that the drive not only refuse to play DVD+R booktybed to DVD-ROM media as before but it now write Panasonic TYG03 media very badly and can't readback the disc burnt with it .
I did everything (cleared OPC , restored EEPROM and cleared HyperTuning and Learnt media completely with EEPROM utility)
Here is what I posted :
Here is what the drive used to have with TYG03 media , a bad burn with it and a disc burnt with Benq 1640 and how the drive read the burnt disc now !