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DVD Writer with the best CD-R quality??


DVD Writer with the best CD-R quality??

Postby CDRVibe on Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:36 am

Can you guys recommend a solid DVD Writer with excellent write quality on CD-R's?
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Postby SithTracy on Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:49 am

Have not tried the Samsung SH-S203B, but others report this does a good job... But the Plextor PX-716A, the Plextor PX-755SA, and the Pioneer DVR-212D do great jobs with CD-R media.... but I only burn Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden (Maxell CD-R Pro's).
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Postby bicomputational on Tue Aug 14, 2007 2:30 pm

I'm using both the Pioneer 112 and Samsung 182/4 primarily to burn cd's and both do a great job. The Pioneer is a better dvd burner but not great with iffy discs when it comes to dae (in my experience). It's a shame you didn't ask this question 6 months ago, the Pioneer 111 and LG 10 are exceptional cd burners, but no longer available.
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Postby CDRVibe on Tue Aug 14, 2007 2:31 pm

bicomputational wrote:I'm using both the Pioneer 112 and Samsung 182/4 primarily to burn cd's and both do a great job. The Pioneer is a better dvd burner but not great with iffy discs when it comes to dae (in my experience). It's a shame you didn't ask this question 6 months ago, the Pioneer 111 and LG 10 are exceptional cd burners, but no longer available.

How is the write quality of Samsung 182 on CD-R compared to the Pioneer 112? Can you hear an audible difference between the two using quality media?

@SithTracy: Is the SH-S203B the same drive as the S182M (only difference being SATA)?
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Postby bicomputational on Tue Aug 14, 2007 2:59 pm

I use only Ty's also, although I've tried some Sony cd's on the Samsung with very good results. I notice no difference between the two burners played on an aging but expensive stereo system. The error counts are low enough on both that I would not expect to. The SATA version of the 182 series is the 183 (the 184 is the external version). The 203 is a newer model.
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Postby CDRVibe on Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:46 pm

bicomputational wrote:I use only Ty's also, although I've tried some Sony cd's on the Samsung with very good results. I notice no difference between the two burners played on an aging but expensive stereo system. The error counts are low enough on both that I would not expect to. The SATA version of the 182 series is the 183 (the 184 is the external version). The 203 is a newer model.

Thanks. Also which TY media do you use for CD-R recording (what TY model)?
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Postby SithTracy on Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:42 pm

Maxell CD-R Pro (Taiyo Yuden):

Format Capacity Blank Disc
Free Blocks 736962560
Free Capacity 702.82MB(736.96M
Media Type CD-R
ATIP Start Time of Lead In (Media Code) 97m24s 1f
ATIP Last Possible Start Time of Lead Out 79m59s72f
Manufacturer Name Taiyo Yuden Company Limited
HD-BURN Certified YES
Available Write Descriptor CAV 48.0x 7200KBps
Available Write Descriptor CAV 32.0x 4800KBps
Available Write Descriptor CAV 16.0x 2400KBps
Available Write Descriptor CAV 8.0x 1200KBps
Available Write Descriptor CAV 4.0x 600KBps
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Postby bicomputational on Wed Aug 15, 2007 11:23 am

I use these Ty's from Rima: http://www.rima.com/Merchant2/merchant. ... YOYUDENfor
for my most important recordings and Fuji Ty's from a KMart sale stash for everything else. I consistently get slightly better results with the Ty branded discs, although the Fuji Ty still give excellent results. I've used the Maxell Pro and they gave me about the same result as the Fuji, but the Fuji were cheaper. All the discs have the same MID, so why they should give consistently different results (although all still excellent) is beyond me, unless the folks at TY keep the very best of each run for themselves.
I do use the Sony cd's at times because they can always be found on sale and do give very good burns on a wide variety of burner, but mostly so I don't turn into a TY snob.
All the quality results are from using the advanced tests with CDSpeed on a BenQ 1650 and Plextools on a Plextor Premium (long may they live).
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Wed Aug 15, 2007 11:55 am

I prefer the Maxell CD-R Pro's because they have additional protective coatings that will give the disc a better durability and likely a better lifespan :)
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Postby bicomputational on Wed Aug 15, 2007 12:35 pm

I have a quadruple backup on my 240 gig itunes so I can always count on being able to reburn if I need to, but good point about the Maxells. They cost more for a reason.
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Postby SkaarjMaster on Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:30 pm

I have the same TY CD-Rs from Rima for burning my music. I may try out those Maxell Pros next time though if I can find them.

I'm using the BenQ 1655 to burn CD-Rs and it's doing a great job! Too bad this one can't be found in too many places except for maybe rebadged varieties.
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