When I first saw the previews for Hot Rod, I was completely uninterested. But over time, and more viewings of the trailer, I became more and more interested. Finally, the weekend of its' release came, and I had a choice between Bourne Ultimatum and Hot Rod. All my friends went to see Hot Rod, and I went with them (we actually had to physically drag one of our friends in order to make her go). It didn't take long before we were all laughing out heads off at the random goofyness. It's not a dramatic masterpiece by ANY means (in fact, the dramatic elements are a little painful), but in terms of fun, the only movie that competes lately is Hot Fuzz (and if I had to choose a favourite between those two, I don't know what I'd choose).
In the end, I think the real question you need to ask yourself is:
Who would win in a fight: A taco, or a grilled cheese sandwhich?
If you want to know the answer to that question, you need to see the movie
Oh, and if anyone thinks that the trailer gives away all the good jokes.... it doesn't. Not by a longshot.
So if you like SNL, Super Dave Osborn, awesome random humour, or even just comedy in general, you need to see this movie!
Punch Cards -> Paper Tape -> Tape Drive -> 8" Floppy Diskette -> 5 1/4" Floppy Diskette -> 3 1/2" "Flippy" Diskette -> CD-R -> DVD±R -> BD-R
The Progression of Computer Media