Japan's Funai to launch 42-inch LCD TV and BD player in N. America, says paper
Compiled from outside sources by Lisa Tsai; Emily Chuang, DIGITIMES [Thursday 21 June 2007]
Japan-based Funai Electric plans to launch a 42-inch full high-definition (HD) LCD TV and next-generation Blu-ray Disc (BD) player in North America in fall, according to the Japanese-language Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
The 42-inch LCD TV will adopt panels from Taiwan-based players while the TV will be assembled in China, the paper cited sources in saying, adding that the first batch of the shipments of the 42-inch TVs will be 100,000-200,000 units.
There's no two ways about it, this week has been brutal to HD DVD. Can it recover?