by LoneWolf on Tue Jul 24, 2007 8:52 pm
JamieW wrote:LoneWolf wrote:COOL DUDE launches a shoulder-mounted nuclear missile into downtown HONG KONG, and he takes out a couple of city blocks and thousands of civilians. The G.I. JOE team investigates the arms back to AYOOB, an arms dealer who knows the secret identity of THE NAJA, which ends up being Ryan, the CIA official who was stringing along the G.I.JOE team.
Now there's stupidity for you.
Hmm...shoulder mounted nukes sound about as smart as a solar-powered flashlight or a submarine with a screen door. How are you going to survive your own missile?
I also think a nuke would take out more than "thousands of civilians" in a place like downtown Hong Kong, even a tiny one.
I hope this one bombs, big time, enough to keep the director and screenwriters from landing any more pictures for the next 5-10 years or so, and learn a lesson about staying true to an original concept.
No. The dreaded "briefcase nuke" would only blow about a few city blocks. That's a huge bomb considering the size, but it isn't city levelling.
I'm not thinking of it in terms of buildings, but rather, the population density of Hong Kong, which (thank you Wikipedia

) stands at an average 16,469.6 per square mile (total population 6.8 million and change as of 2006 census). That, and I counted in the factor of those who would likely die in the first several months due to radiation poisoning, and that a small nuke would likely be set off in the area of highest daytime population density. As an example, I'd guess the financial district probably has a much higher daytime population figure than the average population density.
Of course, I guess it would depend on the explosive yield of the nuke; I just think the reality-distortion field is a little high on this one. And how do you kill .6 of a person?

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