What is the brand that you purchased this TYG02 under?
What is the stamper code from one of your TYG02 discs?
The brand is Taiyo Yuden itself. The stamper code is genuine, I don't remember the last digits, but I looked it up yesterday and it was GG00XXXX.
You have some spiking in your scans, but they are still well within acceptable levels. Media is always variable in quality...
Yea most ppl are telling me it's acceptable values, but I bought TYG02's with the intent of it being excellent quality. I'm getting much better burns with these ProdiscF02s I have. If one disc from a cake box is not so good, is it most likely the case that the entire box is of the same quality? cuz so far, i've burned about 10 of them and each one has not been personally very satisfactory.
I also think those burns are still good
But they just aren't very good compare to what everyone else is getting.. I don't get it.
I think those scans are OK. There is some PIF clustering near the start of your first scan, but that could be the result of some marks on the disc. Have a look if you can see a smudge or speck in the first cm or so.
How much of a PIF cluster is considered 'Bad'? Talking about PIE now, I notice every time i burn something, there's always a lot of PIE at the beginning and it gets less as it progresses, and it generally goes up again near the end. However, it doesn't look like that's happening with the LiteON.
If you go to the "advanced" tab, you can activate jitter scanning for your drive. This is automatically performed in a separate run after the PI/PIF scan is complete- be patient, it only takes a few seconds.
aight, i'll do the scan when i get home tonight.
Also a transfer rate test (TRT) will give you additional information on the readability- but with these scan results, I don't really expect any problems.
did the TRT before and it reads fine.