Here's the change log:
* Added: Support for Lite-On drives to the 'Auto Change Book Type' feature.
* Added: Loading an IBB via CLI no longer requires a path. It'll use the current working directory if one isn't specified, making it a bit more portable.
* Added: '/OUTPUT' as an alternative to '/BUILDMODE' for a command line argument.
* Added/Changed: If Build mode detects the file 'I386\NTLDR', it will automatically enable the ISO9660/disable the Joliet options of adding versions numbers to file names.
* Changed: None of the build mode 'text' options will be changed if an IBB doesn't actually specify a value for that field.
* Changed/Fixed: Disabled 'Auto Calculate' whilst adding files / folders to the source list from an IBB file specifed via the CLI.
* Fixed: Incorrect signature matching (due to new FAT16/FAT32 file system detection code) on some images made them look odd sizes and have weird sector modes/sizes.
* Fixed: Drag + Drop of a folder containing an .ISO and a .MDS file (of the same name*) should have been filtering out the ISO and just adding the MDS.
* Fixed: The 'Remove All' button in the 'Write Queue' window wasn't being enabled when it should have been.