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Any metalheads here?

Postby roadrunner on Sat Mar 31, 2007 3:20 pm

Another thread got me thinking...any metalheads here?

My favorite bands:
Slayer (www.slayer.net, God Hates Us All has got to be the Best Album Ever!);
The Lurking Corpses (http://www.myspace.com/thelurkingcorpses);
Cannibal Corpse; (http://www.cannibalcorpse.net)
Brutal Truth;

lots of others...including quite a few local bands (Lurking Corpses is one of the best local bands around my area).

I'll listen to most kinds of music except rap...that makes me want to shoot people/things. :evil:
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Postby Ian on Sat Mar 31, 2007 7:47 pm

When I was younger, I was big into bands like Metallica and Megadeth. With the coming of grunge and Metallica selling out, I eventually lost interest in metal and started to listen to more rap.

These days I listen to everything from George Clinton to Tim McGraw. I listen to a lot of rock and metal, but I miss the old days. The bands on the radio all sound the same and seem to be whining about the same crap. There are very few that stand out.

Kids these days don't know what they're missing. I doubt any of them have heard a 10 minute long rock ballad or even know what a real guitar solo sounds like.
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Postby smartin4 on Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:18 pm

IMO, the best band ever is Iron Maiden, still kickin' ass after 30 yrs in metal.

Other favs:

Judas Priest
Metal Church
King Diamond/Mercyful Fate

One thing that I hated was the glam bands like Poison, Bon Jovi, et all that led to the downfall in popularity of metal in this country.
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Postby SithTracy on Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:38 pm

Well when I was in High School, Slayers Reign In Blood was the hot album... I had it (and still do)... saw Slayer open for W.A.S.P. on that tour... Saw them three times at the Aragon Ball (Brawl) Room in Chicago for South Of Heaven... Saw them once more at Alpine Valley in the early 90's... was too drunk to remember the show. I pretty much listen to everything except RAP. Long time KISS fan (in case know one noticed my avatar). Latest rock album I bought and enjoyed was last years Queensryche Mindcrime follow-up... Last concert, Kiss 2000 in Milwaukee for the first farewell tour (lol)... :D I kinda dig that chick singer band, Evanescense (sp). Not as much into Thrash/Death Metal anymore (I'm so old it is probably not called that anymore), but do still have every Slayer album known to man... Last Thrash band I liked was Sepultura... The did an awesome cover of Motorheads Orgasmatron. But as a father of two, I have mellowed out but occasionally pull an old CD out for the drive to work.

Edit - Got the new Maiden as well... forgot that for a second... Maiden is true to form and seem to always find a fresh approach for their sound. Saw them a few times in the 80's and 90's... Last tour I saw them was Fear of the Dark in '92.
Last edited by SithTracy on Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Ian on Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:40 pm

smartin4 wrote:One thing that I hated was the glam bands like Poison, Bon Jovi, et all that led to the downfall in popularity of metal in this country.

I don't even consider them to be metal.

To quote Tenacious D...

New-wave tried to destroy the metal, but the metal had its way
Grunge then tried to dethrone the metal, but metal was in the way
Punk-rock tried to destroy the metal, but metal was much too strong
Techno tried to defile the metal, but techno was proven wrong
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Postby SithTracy on Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:45 pm

Got the Tenaicious D movie, have yet to watch it... Spinal Tap rocks though!!! :D :D :D ... Nothing is funnier than the dwarves dancing around the 10 inch replica of Stone Henge!!!!
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Postby roadrunner on Sat Mar 31, 2007 10:33 pm

I have never seen Slayer live :evil: :evil:

They have been in my area three times...I have crappy luck involving this:

First time, I couldn't get off of work (being a manager, I couldn't call in sick, either); :evil:
Second time I had a different job (truck driver)...and had to go on the road the day before :evil: :evil:
Third time I had no way to get to the concert (it was in Detroit, I'm in Fort Wayne, IN)...found out the next day a friend wanted to go but didn't want to go by himself :evil: :evil: :evil:

Next time around, I'm going even if I have to carjack someone :evil:
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Postby SithTracy on Sat Mar 31, 2007 11:07 pm

Nothing in the world like a Slayer show... I recall the first time I saw them headline at the Aragon Brawlroom (Chicago)... We sat in the first balcony (where royalty might go)... the seats on the floor were folding chairs... First band was "Overkill" they sucked... they were booed off if I recall correctly... pretty sure they did not complete their first set. Next up... Danzig... WOW - they rocked... supporting his first solo album... then it was time for Slayer... they opened with "South Of Heaven"... the place erupted. We looked down from the balcony and within seconds all of those folding chairs were flattened... It sounded like an explosion, but the people were rushing the stage and those damn chairs were not going to stop them. What an energetic show... went back two more times when they stopped in Chicago... nothing topped the first show for the South tour.... Oh, well Motorhead opened the second time... that was cool... That was like 19 years ago. Here I am today, 38 years old and I still remember that show like no other. Now, I'm older... they are older... Not sure that life they lead has been kind... I have no desire to see them again... As I mentioned... Saw them five times... nothing topped the second show I saw when the headlined for South... and there is no better album for me than Reign and I do have all of theirs (including the latest)... Basically, I don't know if you're missing a bunch... if you are still young, perhaps... I lost interest in thrash metal concerts after seeing Metallica in Rockford IL a few years (I think 1997) and they did an acoustic set!!! ARRGGHH!!! Metal on Geritol... The Four Horseman and Whiplash acoustic?!!?!!? Man - talk about killing the energy. But man did I see some good ones growing up... Ahh, thanks for the topic... took a trip back to the 80's today and not many can say it was a good one! :)
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Postby roadrunner on Sat Mar 31, 2007 11:28 pm

Cannibal Corpse puts on a great show, too :P

When I was at the show in Chicago, Napalm Death made a surprise appearance...also quite cool!
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Postby Ian on Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:28 am

SithTracy wrote:I lost interest in thrash metal concerts after seeing Metallica in Rockford IL a few years (I think 1997) and they did an acoustic set!!! ARRGGHH!!! Metal on Geritol... The Four Horseman and Whiplash acoustic?!!?!!? Man - talk about killing the energy.

Yeah, they did that in Milwaukee too. The audience actually booed them. Seeing the entire Marcus Amphitheater chant "Die!" during Creeping Death was pretty cool though.

I saw them a couple of years ago when they were in Milwaukee again. Maybe it was because it was at the end of their tour or something (probably just getting old), but their opening act, Godsmack, blew them out of the water. I gotta give Robert Trujillo credit though. That dude brings some real energy to the stage. Head banging.. hair flying.. I'd pay just to see him play.
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Postby smartin4 on Sun Apr 01, 2007 9:00 am

Ian wrote:
smartin4 wrote:One thing that I hated was the glam bands like Poison, Bon Jovi, et all that led to the downfall in popularity of metal in this country.

I don't even consider them to be metal.

Nor do I, I just meant that the media classified them as "glam-metal" and IMO, it really started the downfall of metal in this country.
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Postby smartin4 on Sun Apr 01, 2007 9:05 am

Edit - Got the new Maiden as well... forgot that for a second... Maiden is true to form and seem to always find a fresh approach for their sound. Saw them a few times in the 80's and 90's... Last tour I saw them was Fear of the Dark in '92.[/quote]

Maiden is the best live band!! Live After Death is still the best live metal album ever.

I saw them on the Brave New World tour (PNC Arts Center in NJ) which was a metal fan's dream show:

Halford as the opener, followed by Queensryche, finish off the night with Maiden!!

I also saw Maiden live last year at Continental Airlines Arena in E. Rutherford in support of A Matter of Life and Death, the first tour that they played an entire album from start to finish,. The encore was some of the classic Maiden tunes. Fear of the Dark live is an incredible experience, the crowd participation during that song is phenomenal!!!!
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